Chapter Five

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Pandora's Pov
"Hey Pandora, I've been curious how did you and Lee end up getting together." I focused my attention on Kiba who has a soft grin across his face.

I found myself growing a little shy looking towards Lee who had his arms wrapped around my shoulders talking with Choji and Shikamaru.

I still had no real clue how the manage to fit all of us at the barbeque grill place. But It was fun after all these long missions I had been doing. Plus when you have Lee as a boyfriend training was gonna be intense.

"Oh that's actually really easy." I chuckled casually I gesturing to Neji who gazed at me.

"I asked Neji for advice and I asked Lee out after I kissed him." I explained casually leaning back watching Ino coo deeply with a smile leaning her hand across her chin giving me a look of approval. "You go girl." She sent me a wink that had me chuckling quietly.

"Neji gave you love advice." Tenten exclaimed so fast gazing at me fully amazed, almost like that news was so shocking.

"Shut up Tenten, I'll have you know I'm very good at giving advice, look at them now? They are gonna be the ones to get married first." Neji scoffed out with a chuckle.

"And I wouldn't I have it any other way! She's my little lotus flower." Lee grinned gently cupping my face leaning in to kiss me sweetly which I returned bringing him close to me happily.

"Ew yuck.  Get a room you guys." Shikamaru gagged out making me chuckle in between the kiss me and him shared. We parted from the kiss while Lee dropped his hand down to hold my hand close in his, lacing out hands.

He pressed gently kisses across my forehead a little letting out laced hands rest in his lap "We are unbreakable actually, we've been close since we were kids. I always admired her since then. And believe it or not she makes me stronger then I've ever been."

I smiled shyly hiding a little on his chest feeling him kick both his arms around me tightly nuzzling into me.

"Plus Guy Sensei loves Pandora, I mean who doesn't." Now he's gonna just keep embarrassing me. I squirmed even more then before.

After a nice relaxing day with everyone. Well to the max if you count Ino and Sakura arguing slightly, it was fun. Naruto had came back today and the village wasn't the same without him.

I honestly missed seeing his face around. I wasn't too close with him but I considered him one of my close friends.

"Naruto! I'm delighted to see you are back home safe!" I smiled both me and Lee standing in front of Naruto who was grinning casually but he looked between mine and Lee's held hands.

"Oh man it's about time, do you know how long she's been pinning over you Lee? Everyone knew geez." Naruto laughed rubbing at his head. He had Lee now tilting his head in deep confusion before he turned to stare at me.

"Baby how long have you exactly liked me?" Lee now questioned gazing at me. I shot Naruto a small glare embarrassed while he just held his hands out sheepishly.

"Oops I thought he knew, sorry sorry." He whined out loudly laughing.

"Uhh well if I'm honest I had a crush on you the day we met by the pond we were like ten, maybe eleven." I trailed off.

"I just thought you were so cool so I thought I was hiding it well." I finished off with a small giggle Naruto was snickering deeply and made his way closer to us, patting Lee's shoulders deeply.

"Yeah but everyone could tell, she was always watching you Lee, and talking about you, even stalking."

"Naruto would you hush!" I exclaimed at the loud laughing teen who just held his stomach.

"Oh baby! I'm so sorry I didn't ever notice! Maybe if I noticed we could have been together much sooner forgive me." I started giggling quietly and cupped at his face slowly, trying to stop him from having such a deep freak out attack since he had these large tears leaving him.

"Lee we were like eleven, we didn't even know anything about dating, or love okay? I told you when I finally got to chance and I'm happy now alright? don't cry." I swiped my thumb out to wipe away at his tears watching and hearing him sniffle deeply.

"Are you sure... I'm never letting you go." I squeaked when he yanked my plush body towards him squeezing the day lights out of me so fast. I shot Naruto a look because why did he even have to mention that.

"Oops.. Lee come on! Just enjoy that you have each other... Now at your umm youth, you have no idea how I wish Sakura liked me. All she talks about is Sasuke.. Speaking of Sakura is she still?" I nodded my head a few times.

"Yeah she still talks about him-" I paused a little while Lee held the back of my head even closer to his chest.

"All the time actually, Ino told her to shut up today during lunch, and we got kicked out of the barbeque grill restaurant cause it started a food fight."

"Who won?"

"Me and Lee of course."

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