Chapter Four

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Pandora's Pov
"I swear Pandora once I am out of the hospital I will take you on a proper date! One only needed for a precious gem."

It felt like it was way too early for Lee to be exclaiming like that but it was Lee we were talking about.

After a lot of begging from the nurses I was allowed to stay overnight with Lee and we spent a lot of the night talking about emotions and feelings we had for one another.

It was honestly very relaxing before he had burst into tears cupping my face kissing me happily. It was something I had only been dreaming of. Having it become a reality was more then I need.

"Lee it is dawn, love." I laughed weakly keeping my back pressed on his chest while his arms kept in place around my waist "Oops I'm just so happy and excited I might cry again I never imagined I would have a girlfriend as pretty as you Pandora you've always been pretty like a lotus."

My purple cheeks inflamed quite a lot with a small almost neon hue that I could feel. He really was always embarrassing, but yeah that's right... We are now dating. I wrapped my arms to keep Lee's arms in place smiling at the wall like a mad man.

"Yeah... I always imagined having a strong and handsome boyfriend like you one day Lee now that it is reality what will I do." I laughed quietly turning around to face Lee who was now then beaming at me he cupped my cheeks in his gazing at me fully "That you'll promise to stay with me forever, and that when we are old will have kids and get married and then for together."

"It's a promise."

~Two Year Timeskip~
"Bye Mom I'm gonna go train a little bit with Lee." Keeping a tight grip on my hair tie I managed to tie all my hair up in a rough bum on top of my head glancing down at my ninja uniform studying myself in the little mirror I looked so different.

Wow and I thought I was always gonna be short. I cracked a grin shoving my hands inside my ninja pants pockets shuffling my sandals on the floor a few times "Just be back in time for dinner!" She hollered back at me. With a silly grin, I hollered back to her before I rushed out of the house making sure to the lock-up the door behind me.

Not much had changed in a span of two years. I watched many of my friends become genin me included. I watched some people chase down a patch that was never up to any good. Sasuke leaving the village really out everyone in edge and on hold.

It really tore apart Naruto and Sakura as their team fell apart. Me and my own team were growing as much as we could. And of course, me and Lee stated together through every hardship now I'm the full spam of sixteen-year-old ninjas were learned to get over every hurdle life offered us.

The stares and bullying for me had gone down since I had become a young woman. And Lee just seemed to grow more with himself believing he could do anything. So lost in my own little thoughts I had came into the training grounds already seeing Lee doing his usual warm-up pushups.

"990, oh hey babe! You ready for some training." He exclaimed at me not even phased he was still doing his pushups with no struggles I giggled carefully making my way towards him.

"Always ready to train till we pass out, what's first on the agenda?" I placed my hands on my hips a little watching Lee then hops up off the ground gazing at me fully with a playful smirk.

"How about a friendly race, from here all the way to the main gate, if I win I get to have ultimate kisses for the day if you win, I'll buy you lunch for the day." Oh, he really knew food was my temptation, and since I was on the curvy side no matter how much I pushed myself I stayed at my same weight. I suppose it runs in the family.

"Alright, babe you are on." I grinned getting into start position, Lee doing the same holding a small pebble in his grip. "No cheating this time." I puffed out a laugh. "I didn't mean to flash you last time okay babe the wind blew my shirt," I whined out.

"Yeah yeah." He laughed before the pebble then landed hard on the ground "Go!" Right away I was sprinting with Lee right in tow with me. This was truly gonna be a long start to a long ass day.

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