luck is just

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fluttershys POV-

oh my..this school is really bigger than it looks.."i say as i hide in my locks of light pink hair " "i wonder around trying to find my locker 100' oh there it is! ' i say in my timid voice ..i stopped when i realized there was some one beside my locker" ' she was tall and was wearing navy blue jeans and a light blue shirt with a dark blue jacket on top and black converse shoes...and looked really tough and athletic,her hair was rainbow colored' ' once she turned around my jaw dropped a little' she was extremely beautiful ' ' i tryed not to make eye contact as i walked towards my locker' i think her locker is beside mine...' i said to my self ' ' i opened my locker and put my stuff in it and then once i closed it she was standing beside my locker door waiting i guess..' Hi! you must be- ..' she paused for a moment and examined me ' ' i blushed ' new here..' she finally finished' wow your beautiful!........but anyways my name is rainbow dash and i know every one here at this school except for you of course. whats your name?' she finally finished ' oh my name is..fluttershy..' i said blushing ' i like your name! its cute ' she said with a slight blush ' t-thank you...' she smiled' wanna be friends?' i felt butterflys in my stomach but i ignored it ' sure..' she smiled and hugged me ' ' i hugged back and noticed how she smelled like cologne and roses....i almost got lost by her scent but then pulled back'' she checked my schedule and smiled widely ' looks like we have the same lunch and classes together! this is gonna be fun! ' i smilied and was excited to be with my very first friend' ' she tooked my hand and held it all the way to class' ' i liked it but blushed' ' i thought to my self shes really cute and beautiful..i-i think i like her..'

Flutterdash-Love at sightWhere stories live. Discover now