the call

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Rainbow dash pov--

So after talking with pinks i had full gonna tell her at the park at night..hope i dont fail..wish me luck..' i called fluttershy and she said yes to it here is our convo'

me ; hey fluttershy are you busy?

fluttershy; n-no not really

me; oh ok well i just wanted to ask you if..your not busy to night..maybe we could go..for a walk in the park?...its fine if you dont want to.

fluttershy; oh..i -id love to dashie! at what time?

me; around 7:30?

fluttershy; thats perfect

me; awesome so...its..a date?...

fluttershy;............yeah i guess it would be a date...

me; alright ill pick you up at 7;20 

fluttershy; alright dashie cant wait and by the way  i am going to tell you something important but ill tell you later...

me; oh ok! same to you later flutters 

fluttershy; ok dashie bye..

me ; bye..


' sighs ' alright..7;30..its 5;27 right now..i better get ready for with fluttershy.." i blushed and smiled'

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