The fair.

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Fluttershys pov

" Me and dashie got out of her car and stood and looked at the carnival lights "

" princess.."

Yes das-

" dashie kissed me on the lips and pressed me up against her car "

Mmm..d-dash.." Our tongues wrestled each other in our mouths"

" she pulled back and kissed my cheek " i love you fluttershy..always remember that..

I love you too dashie " we hugged each other for a little while "

" we parted and held hands and walked into the fair area and saw pinkie pie and twilight sitting on the bench "

Raimbows pov

P -Hey guys!!
T- hello,Rd and Fs

" so how about we get started! But first pinks! You stay with me. Fluttershy and twilight you can go on ahead.

" okai they both said as they walked off "

Alright pinks, this is simple.

" okai! "

All you have to do is, smile,make her laugh,try to do some "spicy stuff and have fun. Im not even joking thats it.

" oh..okai! She skipped into the entrance and saw twilight awaiting for her "

" i found flutters buying cotton candy at a little stand and walked to her "

" thank you mister,she handed the money to him and turned around "

Hey beautiful.

" she jumped when she saw me but smiled "

"Hehe,so did you settle things with pinkie?"


"Thats good, " " she offered me some cotton candy"

" i smiled and leaned into her and kissed her blissfully " your lips are sweet enough.

She blushed slightly and gave me one more sweet kiss.

" i held her hand and looked at her " what do you want to get on first my princess?

U-um i wanna do something big about..the woarhog ride . The one that goes spinning upside down..

You sure? Thats a pretty big ride.
" im sure dashie "

" i walked her over to the ride and got on with her,we got our seat belt on and awaited for the ride to start "

The control man : alright the ride is about to begin,please enjoy the ride. On the count down at 5 it will begin.

" ah!,dashie im having second thoughts about this!..please lets get off!"

The control man: ready! 5...4....3...2...1!

" WAIT!!!, flutters yelled to the top of her lungs "

" but it was to late "

" the ride slung us in the air going upside down as the other cart that was above us going down "

" the ride was pretty much just doing loops "

" flutters was screaming the top of her lungs as we went upside down each time, hugging me extremely tight,while i was laughing and holding her back "

" the ride ended in 5 minutes "

" Once we got off flutters was still shaking and holding my arm tight "

"how about we go sit down?

" y-yes...please.."

" we went to a open table and sat and awaited for flutters to stop shaking "

" i scooted to her very close and held her in my arms " hehe wanna do it again??

" n-no!.."

Hehe,im just messing with ya shy."i kissed her lovingly and that seemed to calm her down "

"Thank you dashie.."

No problem princess. Wanna get on a easy ride? Like the spinning apple?

"Yes..that would seem lovily "

" we got on and it was pretty easy,flutters was giggling and holding my hand as we both spun the metal plate to make the apple ride spin"

" For the next hour, me and my princess shy got on some other rides like the ferris wheel,the spinning chairs,bumper cars, and 30 other rides, we mostly repeated some of them but i didnt mind aslong as im with my girl im happy.

" 3rd person pov "

Fluttershy was walking with her lover, holding hands as they walked and admired the neon lights that glowed above them.

" Twilight and pinkie soon came walking up to fluttershy and dash"

" dash noticed they were holding hands and chuckled " well finally pinks.

" Oh hush silly, pinkie said as she giggled "

" The fluffy pink haired girl eskimo kissed her girlfriend "

" Fluttershy smiled and tugged on dashes sleeve "

" yes butterfly? The rainbow haired girl said as she smiled at her girlfriend "

"Could you win me that?? The shy girl pointed at a stand that had huge stuffed animals, but the one that caught her eye was a huge bunny "

" Of course i will! After all im Awesome arent i? " she smirked and walked to the stand with her girlfriend "

"Dash placed a 5 dollar bill on the counter " 4 balls please.

" The man nodded and handed dash the object "just hit the pyramid of stacked bottles the man spoke "

Alright. " dash grabbed one ball and threw it at the first stack of bottles and knocked them all down, one after the other she knocked them all down and won the stuffed bunny.

" She handed it to her lover and kissed her passionately " there you go my love.

"The shy girl squealed and kissed her lover rapidly. Thank you!,thank you!, thank you dashie!

hehe your welcome love."

" they headed to dash's places and rested there "

Flutterdash-Love at sightWhere stories live. Discover now