fluttershys need of help.

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  Fluttershys pov--

       i cant hold these feelings for dashie anymore...i have to tell someone besides angel..maybe rarity can help me...' i head over to Raritys boutique and we talked for a little while of how she and apple jack are together..and how shes happy but then she changed the subject to something that really made me nervous and excited'  so darling let me hear more about you! how is rainbow dash and you doing?'' i stuttered a little bit but cleared my throat'  we are doing great but..i..i..' i paused ' whats wrong darling? you look like your sad or disapointed.. is there something wrong between you and rainbow dash?' i got my confidence back and i cried a little ' oh Rarity its just that..that ...i like rainbowdash..but i dont know how to tell her! im afraid i might ruin our friendship! ' rarity handed me a a fancy cloth for me to wipe my tears away, i took the cloth gently and wiped my tears' oh fluttershy im sure rainbowdash feels the same way! i mean whats not to love about you! your beautiful, your kind, your trustworthy, and also i have a feeling rainbowdash feels the same way because of how she holds you and looks at you! she always spending time with you she always kisses your cheek when she walks you to your house. ill help you fluttershy dont worry. ;' i sniffled and hugged rarity ' oh thank you so much rarity! 

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