the text

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Rainbows pov - so we are gonna leave in about 20 minutes and me and fluttershy are lookin good as always!

Heh. I was wearing a marine blue tank top with a baby blue jacket on top. And my jeans were marine blue and my converse were black.

Mean while with fluttershy, she had on a long sleeved shirt with teal jeans and her shoes were teal and they were vans.

Hey babe im gonna brush my teeth okai?. Okai dashie! She said with that adorbale smile. Heh okai.

Fluttershys pov - I cant wait to spend time with dashie and the others at the fair! This is going to be so much fun!

Hmm..I wonder what time it is. I saw dashies phone on the kitchen counter so I went to it. 4:45 . Okai we still have time.

" Message pops up " " I love you so much dashie, thank your for doing this "

My face heated up with anger as I marched over to the bathroom and slapped dashie.

Oww!! Babe what was that fo- YOUR CHEATING ON ME FOR PINKIE PIE?!

What babe no im not! I love you and only you! And thats a fact!


okai babe can u calm down a bit?...

I AM FUCKING CALM!!! did you read the full text?..

Well no.. I didnt know the password..

"I handed her phone to her as she read the full text " see?!

" she showed me the text and all i know is I was embarrased.

" text ; I love you so much dashie ;) thank you for doing this for me . Its really generous of you setting me and twilight together. Cant wait to see you.:)

Oh my.." I looked up at dashie and saw a red hand mark on her cheek up to her eye, and I mustve hit her retna..because her eye was bleeding "I felt like a total idiot.." oh my im sorry dashie! I just were cheating..on me..

" she just looked at me but didnt say a word " " she got a towel and holded it up to her eye "

Dashie im sorry..!...

" she didnt say a word she just turned to the mirror and examined her eye "

I ran into the living room and cried into a pillow" such a terrible girl friend!!.

I then felt a pair of warm hands lifting my chin up to look straight.

I soon enough realized it was dashie with a smile on her face.

Dont cry princess its okay. Mistakes happen. And your not a terrible girlfriend. Your the best girlfriend .

Her fingers slowly wiped my tears away and then she looked at me. I thought that moment was a good feeling. You were just worried and confused its not your fault princess.

I blushed " im sorry I slapped you and hit your eye and cheek..

Its okai. Im all good now.

" she gently lifted me up from the couch and hugged and kissed me passionatly " " I kissed back with more passionate feeling "

I love you fluttershy and only you. Your like a piece of my heart. With out it I cant live. " we smiled and hugged each other "

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