spilling feelings

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Rainbow dash pov -- 

          'so its been  a year in half since i met flutters..and bottling up my feelings isnt gonna go anywhere so i decided to talk about it to my best friend pinkie pie..wish me luck that she will understand and will be able to help me.' ' i headed over to pinkies place and chatted for awhile until pinkie brought up something that i thought she would never say. so how are you and fluttershy doing dashie? ' i gulped for a moment' well we are doing fine but i want to tell you something pinks...' i took a deep breath and let it out but before i could even speak pinkie placed her hand on my mouth and said something surprising' WAIT! is this about you like fluttershy since you met her but you never had the guts to tell anyone but me and you want me to help you tell fluttershy you like her?? ' she gasped and smiled ' ' my jaw dropped ' how did you know pinks?! ' she smiled' i watch the way you hold her and how you look and stare at her'' i blushed ' wow is i that noticible?....' pinkie giggled '  yeah it is but ill help you dashie!' i sighed of relief ' thanks pinks i knew i could count on you..

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