The date

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Rainbow dashes POV-

i got dressed in black jeans,white shirt, and a black leather jacket that has a cloud with a rainbow lightining on the right shoulder, and black boots that dont have a heels but are flat. hope this date goes well..' checks the time ' its 7:15 i better start the car. i got in my blue and white charger that i got about a month ago when i turned 18. here goes nothing..' starts the car and leaves towards fluttershys house '

Fluttershys pov: i just finished getting wearing a long green skirt with a white long sleeved shirt that has butterflies on the left shoulder side and im wearing green slippers' ' I hear dashies car coming in the parking way. I better get out there..oh dashie..please dont hate me when I confess my feelings..please accept me...' I walk out and greet dashie with a hug and a kiss on the cheek later on we arrived at the park and we strolled around the park, I was holding her hand and arm because i am afraid of the dark but then all of a sudden dashie stopped in the middle of a little bridge and she turned to me with her big magenta eyes..I was frozen '

Rainbow dashes pov--

I finally picked up fluttershy and we have started our little I was strolling with her holding hands I stopped at a little bridge and looked at fluttershy into her big teal eyes and I held her waist' fluttershy..ive been meaning to tell you..ever since the day I met always made me happy..I love how you talk To me... how you hug me you would kiss me on the cheek..and Ive always had feelings for you.....* clears throat * what im trying to say is....fluttershy...will you be my girlfriend who I will always love and charish each day?

..fluttershys pov- ' dashie finally asked me the question I have always wanted to hear..' oh dashie! I didnt know you felt the same way! Yes! Yes! Yes! I will be your girlfriend! I have been always wanting to be yours!...I love you rainbow dash! ' I wrap my arms around dashies neck and kiss under the moon light '

Flutterdash-Love at sightWhere stories live. Discover now