love, love, love!

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Fluttershys pov-

Dashie, the person who I can now call my lover, took me on a date today and all I can say from today, is that this is my best day ever!! Hey babe, wanna head over to my house? ..of course dashie!

She just smiled and took my hand lovingly, and walked us to her car. My smile was the brightest it can be from today.

* 20 minutes later * * they arrive at dashes home and enter *
Oh my Dash!, your house is...huge! Heh I know, " she said with a slight giggle " come here beautiful. " I smiled and walked to her and felt her hands go on my waist " " she looked at me in the eyes and slowly leaned in and stopped when our lips were barely touching "

I love you Fluttershy, and my love will never die for you. " she said as she finished the little gap between us. " our lips crashed into each others with slight moans. Mm...

" we kept this going for a while until we broke the kiss and snuggled each other, we continued our little cuddle session on the couch until we both fell asleep "

* time skip * * the next day *

I woke up with dashies warm arms around my waist,. I am madly in love with her..and now she's finally mine. " I smiled "

* yaaawn * morning babe, morning dashie, I said as I kissed her" mm. I love those lips of yours..

" I giggled "

Rainbow dashes pov:

Im so happy! Fluttershy the girl who I have been crushing since I have met her, is now my girlfriend! Woo!

* gets a text from pinkie *

* the convo *

Pinkie :Hey dashie! :)

Rd: yo whats up?

Pinkie: nothin much! Except that I wanted to imvite you and Fluttershy to the fair thats tonight! Wanna come along??

Rd: sure pinks! It would seem like a blast! Oh and guess what!

Pinkie; What? That your date with fluttershys date when right and now you two are together and happy?? :D

Rd: how did u know?....again?

Pinkie: just a hunch! ;) btw im madly in love with twilight and I was wondering if you could help me out...

Rd: you suprise me sometimes pinks XD and really? Thats cool! Sure ill help you out! :)

Pinkie: thank you so much dashie! Loves you as always!

Rd: haha loves you too. See you at the fair at 5:00 pm

* end of convo *

Hey beautiful. Yes dashie? Wanna go to the fair with pinks and the others? Oh I would love to come. Aslong as im with you " she smiled cutely* heh alright "

Did you know pinks liked twilight? Well a little. Heh well she asked me to help set up a date between her and twilight at the fair. So tonight should be interesting for all of us! Yup.

Flutterdash-Love at sightWhere stories live. Discover now