The ✨hackers✨

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Eraserhead created a groupchat

Eraserhead added Naomasa, Ms. Joke, All Might, Nighteye, Midnight , Fat Gum, Kamui Woods, Cementoss, M Mountain, Ingenium and Ectoplasm

M Mountain: Why did you created this groupchat?

Eraserhead: I thought this was a good idea.
To try and discuss what the hell is going on.

Midnight: Yes. So first, what do you think his going on with Sekijiro?

Naomasa: I searched a little, and I found out that he went on a dinner with this guy yesterday.

Ms Joke: OMG, what did he looked like?

Naomasa: Kind of weird.
He was short, but clearly did sports and those kind of stuff.
Like damn, he had muscles!!

Nighteye: I'm feeling a little attached.

Naomasa: Let's face it, everybody here has muscles.
Except me.

Fat Gum: You do have muscles like abs and stuff, they're just hidden!!

Midnight: You're like the pro hero version of Koda.

Cementoss: Shouldn't we be talking about the whole Stain and Sekijiro and our students acting weird thing, and not who has abs?

Kamui Woods: Good point.

Nighteye: I wonder how the country hasn't fallen to the hands of the villains yet.

Eraserhead: That's the kind of thing that keeps me awake at night.
That and what the fuck is Nezu.
Is he mouse?
A dog?
A human with a mutation quirk?
A rabid?
A bear?
A combination of all of the above??

President Mic: Shouta, NO!

Nighteye: Shut up all of you.
Let's save that questions for our existencial crisis in the middle of the night, and focus on the chat problem

Kamui Woods: Are you ok?

Ectoplasm: We're pros.

Kamui Woods: Good point

Naomasa: FOCUS!!

Kamui Woods: Sorry😔

Naomasa: All right, let's put all of the information we got together.
We are going to ignore the fact that I couldn't find anything about Eri.
First we got Secret Grandchild.

Eraserhead: He killed his family when his quirk manifested, so his quirk can be related with people.

Cementoss: That just proves that he has a strong quirk. All Might's quirk or mine or well, almost everyone here quirks could kill somebody accidentally kill somebody.

Na. Joke: Also, he seems to be Midoriya and Monoma brother.

Cementoss: That just proves my point.
Midoriya's quirk is really similar to All Might's!!

All Might: Trust me in this, Young Midoriya's quirk has nothing to do with any quirk from his family.

Naomasa: Ok, that's good.
Next, Secret Love Child.

Ingenium: I think that it's pretty obvious that he is Touya Todoroki.
But he "killed" himself a long time ago, and now is kinda of hard to know who he is.

Midnight: What was his quirk?

Ingenium: It was Endewhore quirk.

Midnight: Also, he is in a relationship with Hawks and Secret Grandchild, and by the way they talked in "slap to sleep" it seemed like this wasn't their first time dating.

BNHA Groupchat aka Villains Can't Stop SingingWhere stories live. Discover now