The somehow most chaotic chapter until now

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Four kids were laying on the sofa, sitting on top of each other and on the case of the dual haired one, playing with the girl's hair. A song about suicide was blasting through the room.

Suddenly, the green haired boy perked up, making a blonde kid fall of the sofa.

– What the hell, Zuzu?!

– Sorry, but I just had an idea!! – apologized the greenette.

In his eyes shone a crazy glint, that catches the others attention, and his smile was malevolent.

– What's the idea? – asked Himiko.

– So, we all know how everybody in the groupchat are aware we are completely fucked up mentally, right?

The other three nodded slowly, trying to see were he was going.

– And you know this music we are listening to right now, right?

– Oh, no, Zuzu, you are a horrible person, you know that? – laughed Shoto.

– I know and I am proud of that. But like, can we? And we could go to your Papa's house and that we could prank everybody!!

The kids stayed still for a second, before getting up and starting getting ready to leave.


– Hey, where are you five going? – questioned Mamagiri, eying the group with an eyebrow up.

– Seki bought a giant chocolate cake by "accident" and now he invited us to go lunch and spend the afternoon at his house – replied Stain, without bating an eye.

– That sounds good!! – chirped Hawks, looking up from where was cuddling with his boyfriends – Bring me one piece!!

– We'll see if we can spare one – teased Izuku. It was impressive how he changed from when he was with class to when he was with his family.

The other four chuckled softly, and then they made their way to the door.

– Be careful!! – shouted Fuyumi.

– Well, this is going to be funny!! – exclaimed Toga, covering better her face, since she is a well known villain.

– Hum – Chizome didn't really liked this idea. Getting everybody worried for nothing was stupid. But he knew, that just like the rest of the League, the four kids were trying to fall constantly onto a panic attack, they kept trying to distract themselves from that small voice in the back of their mind who kept telling them that this whole plan was going to fail and that their dad was going to kill everybody they loved.


– So, what's exactly this genius idea you had? – questioned the blood hero, placing the food in the middle of the table.

The kids attacked, and for a while everyone was to busy eating to answer(they could eat anything they wanted back at the LOV base, but Vlad King was especially good at cooking, fight me)

– Well, we were listening to this really sad and depressing song and we thought "Why not do a lyric prank with this song?"! – exclaimed Izuku, excited, before shoving more food into his mouth.

Sekijiro and his future husband shared a worried look, but just like his partner, he understood that that was the (really unhealthy) way that the kids dealt with the pressure.

– And how would you explain the fact that none of us is with you? – Chizome asked, noticing the small fail in the plan.

– You could say that we went to go and buy ice cream, right papa? – asked the blonde girl, her hair falling like a waterfall.

BNHA Groupchat aka Villains Can't Stop SingingWhere stories live. Discover now