Chapter 20

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"Okay, we'll stop here to rest for the night". Turtlefoot called, setting down Echokit who had been dangling from her jaws. Mothkit slid off of the tortoiseshell she-cat's back, his whiskers drooping in exhaustion. They had been traveling for two sunrises now, and both Mothkit and Silverkit had insisted on walking most of the way. However, their soft paw pads weren't used to traveling so far, and they had become cracked and skinned until they couldn't walk anymore. Though they'd applied dock leaf juice, the kits still complained about the pain, so Turtlefoot and Spider had carried them on their backs until now.

Spider's shoulder sagged as he set down the two kits he was carrying. "They may be small, but they are certainly heavy". He hissed in Turtlefoot's ear.

Turtlefoot nodded, staggering slightly out of exhaustion. "Great Starclan I know, my back feels like it'll never be right again".

Glancing around at their surroundings, Turtlefoot noticed that the birch trees had started to thin out. Her pelt prickled in excitement as she realized that this meant they were nearing Pineclan's territory. Soon, they'd be under the safe sprawl of pine tree branches again. Her heart quickened at the thought; she'd missed their home so much.

Here, the river was even more angry, and water spilled over the bank in spots where the dirt had fallen away or worn down. Turtlefoot shuddered at the sight, her pelt crawling at the thought of having to deal with a flood. "We'd better camp farther from the river. I don't like the looks of those swelling banks". She voiced her concerns aloud.

Daisystream nodded, her tail wrapped protectively around her kits. "Even if it doesn't overflow, we don't want one of the kits falling into that turbulent water". 

"Let's find a spot to camp further away then, before it gets dark". Petalface murmured, casting a worried glance at the sky.

Already the sun had begun to dip below the horizon. Pink rays spilled across the faraway hills, and the area surrounding them was covered in a soft golden light. The nearby twolegplace, much closer now than she'd ever been to it, began to emit a muted orange glow. Shadows were beginning to lengthen, and Turtlefoot could hear night creatures coming out already. Somewhere in the distance an owl hooted, and she cast a cautious glance at the surrounding sky. She relaxed as she saw no sign of the owl, who might prey upon the small kits.

The group trudged through the forest, keeping a watchful eye out for predators. Turtlefoot glanced around, searching for a place to camp, and kept her mouth open to draw in the scents of prey. She almost gagged as the scent of the twolegplace overcame her, and she shuddered at the idea of having to go in there. In the morning, her and Daisystream were going to escort Petalface into the twolegplace to find a twoleg den to live in. Turtlefoot shook her head, not understanding why someone would want to give up life as a warrior to become a kittypet. It's mousebrained, she thought to herself.

Spider abruptly halted in front of her and lifted his tail to signal the other cats to stop. The group gathered around him to see what he had found. In front of them was a large oak tree with wide, gnarled roots. In between the roots was enough space for several cats to fit comfortably, and the roots were covered with moss, providing cushioning for nests. Turtlefoot sighed, grateful that they had found a relatively cozy spot to settle before dark.

"Okay, Petalface and Daisystream can stay here with the kits while Spider and I go hunt". Turtlefoot instructed, happy that she was able to hunt again. Being heavy with kits, she'd been unable to move stealthily or swiftly enough to hunt well. Then, after she'd kitted, the kits had needed her in the den a lot to nurse them. It had been exhausting, and she couldn't imagine why any she-cat would want that.

Petalface and Daisystream rounded up all six of the kits, who were stumbling sleepily over their own paws. Daisystream curled up between two of the roots, allowing the kits to pile on top of her. Turtlefoot watched as Silverkit burrowed into the queen's side, nursing contently. I never would've had that bond with him that he has with Daisystream. I did the right thing by giving him and Mothkit up.

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