Chapter 10

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Daisystream's heart pounded as she padded out of camp with Turtlefoot, knowing this was the last time she'd see any of her clanmates for awhile. Their journey had become even more difficult when Junipertwig told her she actually was expecting Stumpleap's kits. The medicine cat had advised her not to go, since raising two litters herself would be very challenging. The kits would also be about a moon apart, so it might be hard to disguise their different ages from her clanmates.

Still, the desperation in Turtlefoot's eyes when she'd told her the news that she might not go had broken Daisystream's heart. She'd decided to go through with the plan after all, and they'd deal with any issues as they came up. Today they were leaving clan territory, and Daisystream couldn't have been more scared. 

Turtlefoot turned to her, a wad of herbs clamped in her jaws. "Are you sure about this?" She asked, her mew muffled. 

Daisystream nodded, her mouth too full of herbs to respond. She couldn't wait to reach the twoleg clearing so they could eat the traveling herbs. Then they'd have less herbs to carry, and it would be easier to breathe and talk. Daisystream wondered how Turtlefoot was handling the herbs in her mouth so well, especially with her kits weighing her down. The tortoiseshell she-cat had already grown plump, and Daisystream was glad none of their clanmates had questioned why. 

The two she-cats weaved through the undergrowth, pine needles crunching underneath their paws. Daisystream glanced up at the pine trees soaring high above, their boughs spread out like a shield from rain, snow, and wind. She loved the pine forest, and her heart twisted at the thought of leaving it for so long. She pushed away the doubt forming in her mind; her friend needed her, and she was determined to help her as much as she could. 

Daisystream was relieved that Junipertwig had told the clan they were delivering herbs to Mapleclan. The twoleg clearing was between Pineclan's camp and Mapleclan's border, so it would be expected that they'd pass through it on their way to the other clan. She had been alarmed when Starlingwing had offered to come with her, but Turtlefoot had handled the situation effortlessly. She admired the tortoiseshell warrior's cunningness; it was one of the virtues Lionstar had mentioned during her warrior ceremony, and now it was proving useful.

As they skirted a large bramble bush, the twoleg clearing came into sight. The chattering of the stream reached Daisystream's ears, and her breath caught in her throat as she realized they were about to leave their clan for moons. She froze, her paws seemingly stuck to the ground. How could she leave everything she'd ever known? Her kin, friends, and den were all here. She didn't know anything outside of Pineclan territory. There could be many unknown dangers out there, and with leafbare coming they might not be able to find shelter or food. 

Turtlefoot paused as if she'd realized Daisystream was no longer behind her. She turned, her green eyes bright with fear. "I'm scared too. We don't know what we'll find beyond clan territory. But we can do this Daisystream. We were raised by the fiercest clan in the forest; we can survive by ourselves for a couple moons. So are you coming, or not?" 

Daisystream nodded, new found determination flowing through her. "I'm coming". She quickly caught up to Turtlefoot as they padded the last few tail lengths to the twoleg clearing. 

They paused by the stream and set down their herb bundles. Daisystream nudged a bundle of traveling herbs to Turtlefoot and lapped up her own. She screwed up her face as the bitter juices flowed into her mouth. Shuddering, she quickly swallowed and swiped her tongue around her mouth. "Yuck!" She spat. 

Turtlefoot's tail trembled as she swallowed hers, shaking her head as if she was trying to clear the taste from her mouth. "What are we, rabbits?" 

Daisystream meowed in amusement as she scooped up the kitting herbs Junipertwig had given them. It was a relief to have a smaller bundle to carry, and her jaws relaxed. "Ready?" She glanced at Turtlefoot, glad to find it easier to talk. 

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