Chapter 3

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Starlingwing blinked open her eyes to see the sun setting outside of the medicine cat's den. We slept all day! She glanced down at her sleeping kit, sighing in relief. Her breathing had eased, and she was sleeping soundly. 

The queen looked up to see Junipertwig approaching her. "Her breathing has gotten better!" She exclaimed excitedly. 

Junipertwig nodded. "I'd like to keep her overnight, but she should be good to return to the nursery tomorrow. You should return tonight though, your other kits need you". 

Starlingwing leapt to her feet in shock. "I haven't fed them all day. They must be starving!" 

Junipertwig placed her tail soothingly over the queen's shoulders. "Don't worry, Midnightfur brought them in to suckle throughout the day. You just didn't wake up". 

"Oh thank goodness". The tabby she-cat sighed in relief.

Starlingwing stared at Shadowkit, still sleeping peacefully in her nest. She hated leaving her, but she knew her other kits would be missing her. Her heart ached, realizing how much she missed them as well. 

"I should go check on them". She hesitated, looking at her sleeping kit. "Do you think she'll be okay?" 

"She'll be fine, don't worry. I might place her in the same nest as the other kit so they'll both stay warm". 

Starlingwing paused, confused. "What other kit? Are one of Plumeyes' kits sick? Or Swanfur's?" 

Junipertwig shook her head. "No, they're all just fine. The dawn patrol found this kit just off of our territory. Her mother had been killed by a fox, and she was injured, so they brought her here. She's been unconscious since they found her due to shock and her head wound, but I'm sure she'll wake up soon. Once the poultice works its magic on the wound, she'll be good as new".

Starlingwing padded over to the silver kit's nest, peeking into it curiously. "What will you tell her about her mother when she wakes up?" 

"I don't know. She probably doesn't know what Starclan is, so I can't tell her she went to live in the stars. I'll just have to tell her the truth". 

Starlingwing nodded. "It'll be hard, but that's the best way to do it". 

Suddenly the tiny she-kit stirred, parting her jaws in a large yawn. Her gray eyes blinked open, peering at the watching cats in confusion. Starlingwing's eyes met her's, and she felt a spark in her heart, the same feeling she'd felt when she'd stared at her kits for the first time. Starlingwing knew immediately that fate had brought this kit to her, and she was meant to raise her as her own. 

The kit sat up slowly, staring at the she-cats. "Where am I?" Her gaze landed on Starlingwing. "Mother?" 

Starlingwing and Junipertwig exchanged shocked glances. Junipertwig gently examined the kit. "Do you remember what happened?"

The kit shook her head. "I don't remember anything. What's happening?" 

"Do you remember where you live? Do you remember your mother?" Junipertwig asked gently. 

Again, the kit shook her head. "I don't live here? Is that my mother?" She looked at Starlingwing. 

Starlingwing hesitated. "I'm not your mother, and you don't live here". The kit's crestfallen look broke Starlingwing's heart, so she quickly carried on talking. "You could live here though! We just have to talk to our leader first". 

Junipertwig shot her a warning look, but the tabby queen ignored her. The kit's eyes lit up at first, but then clouded with confusion once more. "If I don't live here, where did I come from? And who is my mother?" 

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