Chapter 26

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Turtlefoot's whole body seemed to freeze as she spotted Rowanroot and Ivysprout sharing tongues. My sister? And my former mate? How is this possible? Anger bubbled in her chest as she stared at the two across the clearing. She needed to say something, she had to confront them. Lifting her paw, she was about to storm over to them when she spotted a gray pelt heading towards her. She turned to see who it was, and found herself staring into captivating green eyes. Graystream. All of her anger seemed to melt away, and her heart began to quicken.

"Turtlefoot, I'm so glad you're back! I was worried sick, I thought the fox got you or something. I didn't know if I'd ever see you again". He murmured quietly, hanging his head. 

Turtlefoot purred, love replacing the anger in her chest. "Well I'm here now. We got captured by some twolegs, but managed to escape and finally found our way back". 

"I'm so glad you were able to escape, I can't imagine how scared you must've been". Graystream rubbed his cheek against hers, and she sank into him, drinking in his scent.

"Graystream," Turtlefoot breathed quietly. "Can we talk about-"

Just as she was about to confess her feelings, she was interrupted by Lionstar's booming voice behind her. "Well Turtlefoot, Daisystream. How about you tell me what happened and why you disappeared now". 

Turtlefoot turned to face their leader, noticing that his eyes were furrowed with concern. What is he so apprehensive about? "Yes Lionstar, we'd be happy to explain everything".

Daisystream nodded, turning to the kits. "Can you stay with your father while I talk to Lionstar?"

The kits nodded, and Stumpleap beamed down at the kits lovingly. Those kits are going to grow up so loved, much more love than I ever could've given them. Shaking her head, Turtlefoot followed Daisystream and Lionstar across the clearing to where Poppyfoot sat. The black and silver she-cat looked up as they approached, and Turtlefoot saw her eyes swimming with emotion. Right, her brother Beetleleg died in the flood. She must be devastated.

Poppyfoot cleared her throat and straightened up, trying to look positive. "Turtlefoot, Daisystream, we're elated to have you back in the clan".

The two she-cats dipped their heads respectfully to the deputy. "We were very sorry to hear about Beetleleg, he was a brave warrior". Turtlefoot murmured sympathetically. 

Poppyfoot hung her head. "Yes, he was. Thank you for your condolences". The deputy shook her head, straightening up once more. "So, tell us everything that happened.

So Turtlefoot recounted the story her and Daisystream had rehearsed. They had been delivering herbs to Mapleclan and passed through the twoleg clearing. While there, a group of twolegs captured them and put them in the belly of a monster. They encountered Petalface in the monster, and she told them that she had been captured as well. They were taken to a twoleg den, where they managed to escape through a hole in the den wall. By then, Daisystream and Petalface had been too far along in their pregnancies to travel and it was the middle of leafbare, so they decided to stay in a makeshift den in the forest. That's where they met Spider, who helped Daisystream kit. Before Petalface kitted, she was recaptured by the twolegs, who had been searching for them. They hadn't been able to save her, and lost track of where she was. They searched for her, but when the kits were old enough to travel, they gave up and decided to come back to Pineclan. That's when the flood events occurred, and then they finally made it back to the clan.

"Great Starclan, that's a crazy story. I'm so glad you two were able to escape and keep the kits safe". Poppyfoot mewed, her jaw agape.

Lionstar's gaze was dark as he asked, "so Petalface and her kits never escaped the twolegs?"

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