Chapter Two: Candy

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The night goes on. By 11:56 pm I'm on a couch next to Kurt, who's rubbing my knee. I hardly feel it. Where is Veronica right now? I can't help but wonder and worry. Maybe I'll talk with her on Monday. I can't let Heather and Heather find out though.

"So, when you go to college, what subjects you think you'll study?" Kurt yelled over "Living On A Prayer", scooting closer.

For a moment my eyes shift and I see Heather Chandler making out with Ram in a corner, tugging on his black and white shirt. Thin flames spark under my skin. I look back at Kurt, ignoring myself. "Dunno. I've considered being a lawyer..." I say genuinely. I then smile and joke, "They help people, and they're great liars!"

"You?" He exclaimed. "I don't think that's you. Try something more your speed..."

"Like?" I ask out of genuine curiosity.

He combs through his curls and shrugs. He then starts kissing my neck without warning. My stomach aches and chills run down my spine. I shove him off. He peers at me, brows coming together.

"Sorry, I'm not up for it," I say.

His hand creeps up to my thigh. "Aww, please Heather... your so hot—" He breaks himself off and crashes onto my lip. His hand slithers under my skirt and I chomp on his lip. He backs his lips and hands away, using them to cover his mouth. "Ah!" There are tears in his eyes. I can taste some of his blood on my teeth.

"I'll go get you some tissue," I lie. I get from the couch, planning on getting tissue for my teeth and then book it out that window—maybe.

I find the bathroom and sneak through its door. I find the sink and splash water in my mouth, seeing bits of red go down the drain. I grab toilet paper and dry my mouth with it. I feel sick myself now, Veronica. I then here a high squeak sound. As if rubbing the surface of something. "Hello?" I call.

No answer. But I know someone's in here. I notice the shower curtain is shut. Is it possible Kurt followed me in here to try again? I take notice of a not-so-far-away window. I open its shutters, unlock it, and open it so I have the means to escape if what I think is true. I breathe in and yank open the curtain ready for attack. My mouth lets out a strained inhale at what I see: Kaitlin on top of Chrissy, entangled in each other, both nearly naked if it weren't for Kaitlin wearing the flannel that normally around Chrissy's waist and Chrissy in her red shirt.

"Heather, don't freak..." Chrissy begins.

"H-huh?" I shudder, hiding in my elbow.

"Please keep it down..." Kaitlin adds.

I gasp, "You can't lock a door?"

"Don't. Tell. Anyone. We could literally die!" Kaitlin says. "We're covered with the curtain—you can open your eyes..."

I do so, only because my arm's tired. Their head poked out from the shower curtain. "I won't tell anyone... " I say. "I thought you... you two were all over guys tonight..."

"You do shit when you're high..." Chrissy laughs.

"I'm only tipsy—but yeah," Kaitlin adds, picking her pinkish sweater from the floor of the dry tub.

I nod, biting my lip. An odd part of me wants to know how this kind of sex even works. How does it feel? I haven't even done the... I don't know—'normal' kind.

"What's wrong, McNamara?" Chrissy queried, smirking. "Wanna join?"

"WHAT?" I exclaim, face burning.

"WHAT?" Kaitlin joins, then stamps Chrissy's foot.

"Ah! I'm only joking, Babe!" she laughed.

Do I wanna join? No, I don't! No, I don't. I'm only curious.

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