Chapter Four: Teach The World to Love

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"Heather, do you know where Heather is? I need you two to do me a favor," Ms. Fleming addressed me as I walk into the school with Kurt. Only because he's the last person who can give me a ride to school.

"Mmm—sorry, no, I don't," I reply as Kurt tries to clasp my hand and I snatch it away. To my present surprise, he goes off with Ram who's nearby.

"I'm right here Ms. Fleming," she sang from behind her.

"Oh, good! I need you two to clean out Heather's locker. We're planning on making it a memorial for her, with photos, flowers, and letters."

That's a bit much, isn't it?

"Dennis told me we were dedicating a yearbook spread to her already," I remind.

Heather smirks at me and speaks in her preppy tone. "Well don't you think Heather deserves the world?" Her eyes glare. "You loved her so much..."

My shoulders slump. Does she know? No. No that can't happen. How could she? She wasn't in that bedroom with us—no one was. "Of course, Heather deserves the world. I think it's a great idea, Ms. Fleming." I smile softly. Maybe Heather would've liked all the attention and care to just her memory. She was already like oxygen: everywhere. She'd want it to stay that way, even when she's not using that oxygen.

"You can begin now if you'd like," Ms. Fleming adds before walking down the hall.

Heather and I arrive at Heather's unlocked locker, a "Keep Out" sticker taped to it. Heather opens the door and inside are her textbooks, key chains, nail polish, red decor of all kinds you could put in a locker, and more.

From behind we hear: "Oh, hey, guys. Still really looking forward to that apology from both of you for being two ice-cold bitches last night!"

Heather and I turn to view the owner of the voice: Veronica. I look at my feet. I, for whatever reason, can't see her upset at me. I'm sure it's hard to tell I helped her a bit in the end from her point of view.

"Um, cleaning out Heather's locker!" Heather puffed. "A little respect!"

Heather pulled a strip of paper off the inside of the door and handed it to me. When it's in my hand I realize it's a photo strip of Heather Chandler and me. The top and bottom photos show us pulling our best serious and threatening faces. The middle captures us laughing at ourselves, the photo booth taking it without us realizing it. I forgot we took these. Not many people saw it, so I never want to forget that happy face. Heather hands me another kind of paper, but I don't fully pay attention to it. What if I stayed with Heather that night? What if I disregarded the fact that she was drunk like she wanted me to? Would she still be here? Did I make her feel terrible?

I tuned out from everything else, but am shocked awake by Veronica yelling, "Shut up, Heather!"

"You shut up! I don't have to shut up anymore!" Heather barks, gleefully digging into a pocket on the side of the locker. She then yanks out a red scrunchie and stares at it like she found the holy grail. She then begins to frantically tie it into her ponytail like the wind could blow it away soon.

My eyes squint and my teeth bare. "Hey, that's Heather's scrunchie!"

She turns to me with a scrunched nose. "Shut up, Heather!"

"Sorry, Heather!" I back away. My face then freezes. What did she say? What did I say?

JD walks up behind Veronica and silently puts a hand on her shoulder. She responds by resting her hand over his. He gazed at Heather Duke. My lips compress. I still don't like him.

Heather continues, "Heather Chandler is gone... It's up to me to replace her."

My eyes widen and I almost want to laugh. Replace Heather Chandler? With Heather Duke? The school would fall out of the little order it has. It'd be like replacing Mickey Mouse with Perri The Squirrel. You don't even know who Perri is. A hair accessory doesn't make you captain of a rusty ship.

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