Chapter Seven: Make It Beautiful

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The next day is October 18th: The night of the pep rally. When the homeroom bell rang the cheerleaders and I had to march through the halls and excite everyone up for the event, doing a mini version of our planned cheer. We had to jump around and shout things like "Let's get psyched!" and chant about how "Westerburg will knock you out, and send you straight to hell!" in our uniforms. It's a tad bit embarrassing and hard to do with the slump I've been in, but I can tell Veronica likes it in some way by her small supportive smile as I pass her. It's worth it.

I barely slept the previous night. My parents kept me up later than normal, looking through therapists to consider, thinking that because I had rested earlier it'd be okay. I get their reasoning, but they really couldn't wait for the weekend?

"Alright, everyone, please turn your science textbooks to page 155," Mr. Waters commanded as the class walked into the science lab.

I do so, and rest my chin and forearms on the open text. Heather sits down next to me at one of the lab tables. I know she doesn't like me, so why does she insist on being around me almost all the time? Why does she talk to me? She doesn't need me for popularity. Sometimes I want to be rid of you too. All the time. As Waters drones on, my eyes blink languidly. More and more I want to tilt my head lower. I want to shut my eyes. I flutter my eyes to try and wake them up a bit.

The next thing I realize I'm laying in the bottom a soft, yellow, surface. Energy bolts in my as I stand up, hobbling immediately as I realize the suface isn't stable. Once I get my footing I look out in front of me. There was nothing but a raging black ocean.

An ocean?

Before I can think up any next move, a cold, clammy... thing grabs me by the wrist and yanks me back on the surface, knocking the wind out of me. I peer up and see a swamp colored blob-like figure staring down at me. I scream, scooting backwards to try and get away from it, only to be grabbed by more of these figures behind me with their gross arms. I then can't scream anymore, an pang in my throat as if I yelled for hours. I break free from the blobs's grips and crawl back to the center of the area. Observing more, I discern that this is an inflatable raft of some kind. I also notice that these blobs are everywhere in this raft with me, sitting in a circle along the sides of the circular raft. The only thing that made them look somewhat like humans was the head-shapes on top of their melting, inky bodies. Their eyes were like white strings that looped around in a circle over and over again. They didn't blink, and, as far as I could tell, had no mouths or noses. The boat was low in the rough, yet quiet ocean, water silently splashing into the boat every now and then. There was nothing in the horizon. No hope, like we're going nowhere.

I only hear the wind. The lifeboat falters and some water splashes onto the yellow blazer I didn't wear today. I hug my knees as I try to condense myself as much as I can. I don't want to look at these things—I don't want to be here. Then one of the blobs stands up to my surprise, a red beacon wrapped around a section of blob that hung from its 'head'. It grows an outreaching branch and points at me. The other blobs continue to stare and move like flags in the air. I slowly stand on my feet and blankly stare at the soulless creature pointing. I know its face without the features. It then gives me a white, threadlike smile, similar to its stringy eyes. Well, who made her captain? I seize its arm, pull back, and yank it down into the misty tide with me.

As we sink down I slowly can't feel the goopy arm anymore. I can't see anything but a thousand murky bubbles and water.

My hands land on a green, carpeted floor. The blobs are gone. And so is the lifeboat. And the ocean. I look up from the floor and see a double door in front of me. It's decorated with red glowing stained glass. I push myself up off the ground and latch onto the door leaver.

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