Chapter Three: Myriad of Scars

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I woke up the next morning with my dad sitting on the end of my bed. "Nice to know you're alive..."

I take a few seconds to wake and reply. "Yeah, I'm sorry. Time left me."

"Clearly," he groaned, stroking the back of his long hair. "I don't feel like thinking up much else so... no phone or friends for today. I gotta get to work, kid..."

I gasp. "What? So I basically can't have a social life today?"

His blond facial hair ticked as he inched over to kiss my forehead. "You had enough of one last night, apparently."

He begins to walk out of my room and as he goes I ask with a yawn, "What time is it?"

Without turning around Dad replies, "I don't know," and leaves.

Of course on the day I need to talk to a certain someone the most. Well, there's always tomorrow.

• • •

September 25, 1989. I turn on my clip lamp with a duck-shaped head and pull the top drawer out. Inside's my yellow watch and I put it on. Then I continue to put on my yellow blazer, tights, pleated skirt, and heels, completed with a yellow swatch. It's always yellow—it has to be—I can't wear the wrong outfit. Thankfully I like yellow, Heather likes red, and even Veronica liked blue. I don't think Heather likes green—she's asked to wear red in the past. I think Heather Chandler knew that when the color rule was put in place. Just another way to bring her to her knees, just the way she likes her. I can't wait to see her again and talk. As I straighten my clothes in the mirror I don't feel the same. I'm someone with some kind of unexpected sexuality. I don't even have a word for it. I've had guys. That's not gay. Did I like the guys? Not too much, but I'm not barfing at the sight of them.

I say goodbye to my canary, Tweetie, and stand outside my house and wait for Heather to show up in her Porsche. By now it's 7:17 am. Where is she? Is she mad at me for last night? I tap my heel on the ground and wait a few more seconds before huffing and deciding to walk to Westerburg. If she's late she'll be at school eventually and I can ask what happened and how she feels.

My feet are killing me by the time I'm in the door. Everyone is nowhere to be seen, but I hear a lot of chatter in the gym. A podium is set up in front of the assembly like there will be some announcement. I hobble over to Heather sitting at the bleachers, as is the rest of the school is it seems. "Hey, have you seen Heather?"

"No. She didn't drive you here?"

I sit next to her then take off my shoes and rub my feet. "No! She never showed..." I begin to bite my nails. God, what did I do?

"She's probably sick hungover. She was pretty hammered by the end of the party. Veronica too, and she's not here either."

Just then Veronica entered the gym, her cute brown bob bouncing as she speed-walked towards the bleachers. She didn't seem outwardly surprised everyone was here. I want to call her over—and almost do, but remember that she's out of the group. Crap. Now I only have Heather here to talk to. Veronica goes over to JD. I raise my eyebrows as he puts an arm around her. I guess they're officially together.

"Why does my heart tell me that won't last?" Heather moaned, folding her arms at the sight of the two.

I don't like the way he's looking at her. It's so... sly? Like, he's the type of handsome that I wouldn't want to be around—as if it's dangerous. He's a real James Dean, right down to the name almost. I side-eyed the couple. "I feel the same..." I confess to Heather. "Why are we here anyway?"

Heather now had her nose stuck in a copy of Moby Dick. "I don't know. They wouldn't even let us put our bags away, so it must be urgent."

A few more minutes pass and then Principal Gowan steps up to the podium. Ms. Fleming joined next to him with papers in her hands. He adjusted his glasses and cleared his throat. "Good morning, students." The assembly responds robotically. "You will retreat to your classes soon, but first we have some... disturbing news. And there's no perfect way to prepare you for it." His voice is shaken, like he's a scared kid who's never publicly spoken before.

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