chapter two | where fumbling hearts will find beat for each other, again.

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Hey, how are you, my lovely sweet nachos!

Didn't see y'all for a LONG time. It's nice to be back again.

Even if it's only for a short while. Hope you guys aren't too angry with me for not updating for so long.

Did you guys even miss me! Cause I did miss you, my little mouse.

Once again, number one excuse, I was busy with the studies. 😚

And in my country India, there is this worst second wave of Pandemic that has hit us squarely on our faces. Most of my friends and family have been positive, except me for God's sake.

I pray for the people who are fighting for their lives during these cruel times God give them strength.


[ Edward's POV ]

For a minute, he was silent. He just kept staring at her. For a while.

What was he to respond to her? He wasn't confident enough of speaking a word to her. What if he again says something which might hurt Emily unknowingly.

He hardly knew what was going on his friend's mind these days.

He was afraid he'd say something which might push her to the edge and she'd burst in tears. Again. And she wouldn't even let him comfort him. He was already robbed off that right of being a friend to her.

He couldn't even embrace her in his warmth. So he kept quiet, his mind reeling with several things he wanted to say but couldn't quite understand where to start from.

"I think you were standing here for a while." Emily said, adjusting the white cardigan around her shoulder. She clearly avoided meeting his eyes.

He was lost again. Nothing to say. Silently, he waved a hesitant hand in the air. "Hey. It's me."

She didn't respond. And he felt worse for getting caught by her like this.

She didn't made any move to extend the conversation. Instead, she started walking past him, following the road leading to the Children's Park in the neighborhood.

He thought she was leaving him. Yet again. Heart beating fast, he grabbed her wrist. "I want to talk to you."

She didn't turn around. "About what?"

"About our friendship."

"I think I already made it clear that I wanted some space from you, Edward."

He took few steps and stood in front of her. "And that I already gave you so much, even more than I could ever handle. But it's already been past four months and you still do not want to see me. Tell me what I'm supposed to do."

"The only thing I expect you to do for me is to help me move on with everything that had happened so far."

"Then I want to do it together. Invite me in, be with me, and let's move on together."

She eyed him warily this time. He didn't flinch under her searing gaze. He meant what he said and he would never let her feel that he only says the empty words to her.

Emily began to walk towards the near playground. "I wish to do it alone. Do grant me this favor. And stop coming to my house this late at night. I don't want you to see you getting hospitalized in this harsh cold when your father needs you the most in these times in the middle of the redevelopment of the Boards Members of the Company Executives."

He started walking with her, keeping one step behind her. "For someone wanting to have some space, you sure know more than I know about you past these months."

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