25| Hot Arguments and Cool Answers

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Hey guys! How are my lovely people!

So here I am just starting to write this chapter with a lot of things in my mind. And probably 🔥 scenes are one of them.

[Edited on 7 June, 2019]

Emily's POV:

I tried to wiggle out of his searing grip, giving all the hints to him that he was practically squishing my very innocent female parts against his aristocratic male parts, tempting me to do not so innocent things with him.

Edward was pressing me to his side, his large sculptured hands were encircled around my waist firmly and I couldn't help but feel how perfect his hands fit my generous figure.

And then I started thinking about how his hands would feel against my chest. Would they be able to cover them up? Maybe his hands were bigger than my bust or they could cup.

I shook my head vigorously to pry off these desires and stumbled rather roughly. In that struggle, my stupid pencil heels got stuck to the small pit in the ground.

After many unsuccessful attempts, I pulled my heel too forcefully. knocking my balance off to Edward who was busy in swiping texts to Lara while still clinging to me like a caterpillar! He gripped my arms to steady both of us, his eyebrows furrowed.

"What are you doing, Lily?"

"What are you doing, my dear Edward?" I mimicked his way of saying 'dear' to me, pointing at his arms which were crushing my neck to the point it could break off any moment.

"You've been clinging to me like a horse-" He put his palms over my mouth, pressing it firmly against my lips while his other hand scooted me closer to squish more against him.

"Shh. Linda is still following us! Turn to your left around the street and you'll see her popping candies in her mouth! But don't be suspicious otherwise we both are dead as meat!"

I stared at him, narrowing my eyes which looked more like glare.

Indeed. He was right. As I turned around slowly, I could clearly see Linda walking leisurely on the street, her phone buzzing more often than usual. Hmm. Maybe she had been reporting all that to his mom.

I nodded meekly and put my arms around his shoulders to pull him close to me, the movement which surprised him so much he hauled all his weight over me. I struggled to balance myself, feeling his fingers on my waist tightening.

"Why don't we just go home and she can go tell mom that we just want to spend some time alone, maybe doing some husband-wife stuff?"

"Lily, it sounds plausible but don't you think if we remain here in public, they'll expect us to have less physical contacts?"

"On the contrary, it's the reason they'll expect us to have more contacts. When we're home, nobody is gonna spy on the newlywed husband and wife as they already know what we'll be doing!"

"But Emi, if they spy on you outside, what makes you think they can't do it at our home?"

"Because that makes your mom a professional illegal criminal, and really, what the hell did you even make her think about me or our relationship to which she has started to stoop so low as to spy on her own son and his non-existent marriage life with his friend?!"

"I didn't make her think anything bad-"

"Don't say anything. Let's go home but first I think I need to have new shoes. Are you accompanying me to the shop or I can always go alone? Like always!" I tried to walk wearing those broken heels only to stagger back when a pair of arms covered me from the back and I felt smooth hard muscles passing against my soft creases. I inhaled deeply when I felt his manly organ press hard against me due to the forceful fall.

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