32| Reasons We Are Far Apart

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Hello my lovely readers! I really think I should stop updating everyday right? It would be better if you people also become excited and impatient readers like other ones? Right?

I would like to extend my greatest appreciation to theindi_girl for being so responsive and real heart to my book. Dear, have some faith in yourself, will you!? 💖

And geetanjligupta for being such an honest and focused reader!💖

And itsmeVartika for making my day by her true emotions and humorous comments!💖



[Edited on 14th June, 2019]

Emily's POV:

I woke up abruptly to the harsh tango dancing of my ridiculous alarm clock that is a shame to human habit of sleeping soundly when tired as hell. Stretching my abnormal female arms and legs, I toppled down the bed like a kangaroo to rush into the washroom for my urgent blast of the bladder which actually had no shame and manners for being the bladder of a female all this time!

I was brushing my teeth, more like scrubbing them with a dog soap when I looked at the prominent red and blue bruise normal people naturally preferred to call a 'hickey' at the crook of my neck in my reflection in the mirror. Immediately, I turned around, my cheeks flaming red to remember events of that night, those unforgettable moments in the life of a female, who spends her first that night with her husband.

That husband whom she loved with all her heart!

And that husband who had crawled in his hiding too ashamed to even come and face her after he showed her passion and love all night!

Why don't I drop my career as a doctor and start trying it, in being a drama queen?

Running down fast, I busied myself in making food and snacks, my hands actually paining from waking up all night and getting only an hour of sleep.

"Emily, dear. You're up so early. Why are you stressing yourself so much? I'm sure Edward will be fine. He's just busy in his office work dear. A young man like him needs to put his skills in managing his company, so don't worry much!"

Well. I was worried but not for him.

Packing all the stuff in a container, I rushed upwards to dress in something visual and wearable.

Gulping down one large glass of water and popping some grapes into my mouth as a light breakfast, I grabbed my purse and opened the door of my car hurriedly. I made sure to cover my neck to avoid any embarrassment and absurd notions, wearing large baggy pants to hide any signs of biting and raw passion which still persisted even after all these days.

I looked at the road, my fingers shaking from the fear of driving after a long time when I wasn't even good at driving in the first place. Nevertheless, I took a deep long breath to calm my raging nerves.

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