13| He Is A Big Tease

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[Edited on 3 June, 2019]

Mia's Pov:

I was preparing myself another cup of tea, as Jake refused to let me go alone to my house which was just ten blocks away!

He was crazy! Totally crazy!

I sipped the last drop before entering the washroom to take a shower, taking my clothes which Jake went to take from my house. He actually refused me smoothly not to even walk outside his house when I was without my bra!

I couldn't even imagine what else he must have seen when ransacking my closet, my girl stuff mustn't have gone unnoticed by his view!

I kicked the shower water in the air to ease my pent up my frustration. I almost slipped, a scream escaping my mouth before I gripped tap to mobilise myself. I sighed in relief. There was a knock at the door, muffled with the sound of water.

"Mia, are you okay? Did you fall or something? Should I come over?" Jake asked, coughing a little. Worry was evident in his voice.

"No, I am fine, don't you dare walk a step out of that bed!" I threatened him, making sure to check that the bathroom was locked.

"Yeah. Just make sure to come out in one piece. Girls these days have a habit of eating like a bird and falling like a kangaroo," he mumbled, the sound coming like he was going back to the bed. I sighed in relief. I showered for a few more minutes before changing into a set of fresh clothes and then came out, my hair tied up in a bun.

Jake was lying by his side, busy with something on his phone, probably messaging. I went to the kitchen to make myself something to eat, after realising all I had in a day was a cup of tea, which I more appropriately drank it.

Shaking my head, I made myself an omelette and veg sandwich, ground some juice before making some fresh porridge for Jake, as he's still sick. After placing it on the table, I called for him. Just then I heard tapping on the kitchen window. My head instantly snapped in the direction, my hands shaking.

Man, I really hate ghosts.


I took a frying pan, gripping it tighter with my fingers, my legs keeping a slow pace. I hopped on the kitchen counter, opened the window and instantly swung it In the air. I felt a strong push, making my leg lose balance.

I was beginning to fall when a black hand came from the window and caught my wrist rather tightly. I stared at the hand, looked up to see it coming from the air and closed my eyes, screaming bloody murder.

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