48| Love The One Who Loves You Back

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Hello my lovely readers? How are you? And your nerdy brains!?




Just Fine!?

Barely surviving?

Emily's Pov:

I organised all the fresh ingredients in the fridge, throwing away all the rotten and expired food products into the dustbin.

Stirring the glass of lemon water after adding a bit of salt, I drank it in one shot, cold water soothing my frustrated nerves and relaxing my body.

It had been three weeks already and I didn't receive anything satisfying from Cyber security and surveillance department, regarding the precise location of Mia or her whereabouts.

I heard shuffling of things, heavy footsteps on stairs resonated the ambient and I abruptly turned towards the kitchen counter, busying myself in wiping off the wet dishes.

My heart twisted painfully in my chest, remembering those three words which I had always wanted to hear from Edward my whole life, and which he indeed said to me but this time, those beautiful words weren't for me though.

His love and his feelings were for someone who held that special place in his heart which I couldn't even dare to take it, no matter how many years I would continue to be his friend.

No matter how many sacrifices I would continue to make for his sake!

"Good morning, lily!" Edward took his seat, scooting his chair closer to the dining table.

"Good morning" I continued to wipe off crockeries, not daring to turn around to look at him, knowing very well that my heart would betray my feelings once more and would forgive him for every pain and rejection he gave me every day, as a gift for standing by his side all my life.

"Here! Come and eat with me! It's been a long time since we ate together and I really miss eating with you!" He patted the chair beside him, motioning him to join him.

"I couldn't make anything good for breakfast today, Edward! Hope you don't mind-"

"I can eat everything as long as it's made by you, Lily!" Edward smiled at me, his hand still on the chair beside him, urging me to join him.

"Yeah but still, I couldn't wake up early today so-"

"Now will you please sit and eat with me if you're done nagging yourself already!?"

I nodded meekly and walked towards him, turning the plates around and started to serve him warm food. After placing spoons and fork on his side, I took seat beside him, still not looking at him.

Taking some food on my own plate, I dug my fork into the vegetables and stuffed it leisurely into my mouth.



"Why are you eating just vegetables in your breakfast!? You keep talking of my own nutrition and stuff when you yourself aren't taking proper care of your diet and your body!"

I sighed. "I don't really feel like eating, you know. It all seems just a boring work to me now!"

"Eating doesn't come in some boring work, Lily!"

"I don't know anything anymore, Edward." I looked at him, my eyes blank and deprived of every sort of emotions I was capable of feeling."I don't feel like talking to anyone now, I just want to stay alone in my room and I want everyone to hate me, to think of me as nothing more than some creature who doesn't care about anyone or anything and is selfish beyond recovery about her life and her own happiness!"

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