4| Grand Wedding

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[Edited on 23 May, 2019


Emily's POV:

I was nervous. I should be. That's what normal brides feel. I was going to take a long step. A step which would change my life forever. My hands were sweating and I couldn't even walk on the ground because of this gown.

Yes, I was wearing a gown.

A wedding gown. My dream gown.

I have always wanted to marry Edward, wanted him to propose me first and then I would say yes. All of this happened but I didn't know it could happen in such circumstances as well.

When I first realised my feelings for Edward, I was very cool, unlike other girls who freak out. Because I know I would get over those feelings one day or another. But when those feelings turned into love at my tender age of 20, I was devastated. On top of it, he got himself a girlfriend before I could even spill something about it.

He fell in love. That's what he said to me. Okay, I had said.

I guess things worked out for him cause when I met Lara, she was nothing like those bitches which I always read in novels. Instead, she was mannerable and lovely. I don't know why she was rude to his parents, though. Maybe she was nervous.

The only thing off about her was her silent nature. She didn't speak more than two lines at once. I was actually surprised that how come a girl can't talk to another girl. I heard that it was impossible.

Edward was cool about her silent nature. He said she talked a lot to him.

Okay, that burned. What did I even do to universe!!?

At least talk to me so I could decide whether to hate you or like you?

She never actually did anything wrong to me. She was okay with me and my friendship with Edward. I did like that part of her. Maybe she knew he would never fall in love with me.

I settled on liking her.

We went two months later with the plan that Edward broke up with Lara Because she cheated on him with some blonde and how he realised that he couldn't live his life without me as I had always been by his side. And so he proposed to me.

As if that can ever be true.

Breaking the news of our marriage to Edward's parents was not easy. They actually suspected us. And that's why we had to act lovey-dovey around them, with Edward holding me by my waist and me, as a hanger, clung to his shoulder.

Edward also had to peck on my cheeks to make them believe it offering them the reason that we can't kiss because of me having a cold.

That was horrible.

No, not my cold, but my reason.

I always have been a horrible liar.

I am surprised I managed to hide my feelings for like, fifteen years.
But there is a time for everything.

As for my mother, as any typical moms would do, she started sobbing.

Like really bad. I was terrified.

I thought she had gone berserk. Oh, she hadn't.

And then she started stating reasons as to why I never acted like a girl, always wearing baggy pants and all.She really, like really, started stating in front of Edward's parents as well, that I never liked to wear skirts but only wore them to impress Edward.

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