12| His Cute Nurse

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[Edited on 3 June, 2019]

Mia's Pov:

I was getting tensed with the progress of time. He wasn't showing any progress in his health, his forehead still burning as hot as lava.

I took a wet strip of cloth, dripping from the bowl, squeezed it and placed it on his forehead. His porridge was turning cold but he wasn't eating it, saying his throat hurt.

"Jake, you gotta eat it otherwise I will be having trouble feeding you the medicines. They won't work on an empty stomach," I said, caressing his hair. He made no sound of approval, his nose was all red from sneezing, his skin pale with fever and cold. I let him sleep. What else can I do besides nursing him?

I went to his kitchen, placed the porridge on the counter, covering it before going back to his room. His room was a mess like World War III had actually taken place there. I shook my head, I never really had problems with his room or cleaning before.

What, I had a problem with was his insensitivity!

I picked up a discarded book. Reading its title 'My mistress', my mind began searching for scenes which could be in the book before collecting others and placing them carefully on his shelf. I took his vacuum cleaner and started to clean every corner of the room, placing his discarded stuff to where it belongs, and dusting his couch and table cloth.

He used to have a maid in the house, but since they all were still young, he gave them salaries early so they could complete their education. Even if he was cranky and feisty from outside, I knew he had a big heart, a very big one at that.

I smiled at the memory I had of him when we were 15, he had adopted a dog, much to his parents' disapproval, just because he doesn't want it to live in the streets proving he had the soft spot for animals.

And one time, when I actually fell from riding a bicycle, he scolded me a lot for riding it alone without telling him about it and he actually pulled my pony in anger. When I started crying, he cooed me and bought me ice cream, carried me on his back home, and I fell asleep while falling for him.

Yes. That day I fell for him.

I developed a huge crush on him in subsequent years when he was busy changing his girlfriend. I always avoided seeing him with other girl but I always ended up seeing him bringing them to his house or kissing them passionately. My tears would always betray me, even though I had made mental note with myself never to look at him with those feelings again.

Unrequited love is always hurtful. The type of love I read in stories or watched in movies, I didn't know I was living with that for more than ten years.

Though I am sure his parents know about my feelings for him as they once read my diary, I couldn't help but fear the fact that they would be the one to tell him about it even before me.

I looked at him. He was sleeping soundly like a kid, curled up into a ball, his face showing evidence of his sickness. I ran to change his wet cloth, once again squeezing it and putting it over his temple, wiping his face with another wet cloth lightly.

He squirmed in pain beneath my ministrations; I caressed his hair to let him fall asleep again. I completed the rest of the cleaning and put some music on to do some exercise while changing his wet cloth in the process.

It was almost evening when he woke up, his face showing some freshness, lips less pale and his cheeks less flushed. I was relieved to see the difference in him.

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