22| Embarrasing And Awkward Situations

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Hey guys! How are you?

I had been planning to write Edward's Pov all along and to your pleasure, I may as well as be writing it next chapter. Thanks for Sticking up to me all this time! 💖


[Edited on 5 June, 2019]

Emily's Pov:

"Lily," I heard Edward whisper to me but his voice seemed so distant to my inner turmoil. I took one hesitant step back, followed by one or two more before I felt him grab my arm abruptly, pulling me slightly towards himself. But my mind was too hazed by the strange revelation of my true feelings in a not so impressive and romantic way.

I had always recalculated every possibility of being exposed or disclosed about my feelings but none of them involved one certain beautiful Edward's girlfriend. Edward never dated before Lara, proving the fact that he really and seriously was in love with her.

Usually, when there is a girl being in love with her best friend, that said friend was always some playboy or manwhore but that wasn't the case with Edward. Of course, in romance novels it was!

He was too honest with everything involved with his love life, liked always to share every minute detail of his romantic encounters with me.

I still remember the day when he had his first kiss with Lara after he confessed to her and she accepted it. He was sweating all day, his cheeks were flushed and he didn't even dare to meet my eyes for the whole week as if he happened to rape someone on the street!

He was always shy when it came to lingering touches and sexual encounters. Once he dragged me all the way to his house in the middle of the night only to watch porn with me cause he wanted to have his first time with Lara as loving, passionate and pleasurable as possible.

Lara was not too shy when it came to such things, always pestering him for more attention and more restricting positions.

Ahem! I was his friend for god's sake.

And you never tell your friend what type of position your girlfriend loved!

But this was Edward we were talking about, so any rules that were applicable to humans didn't apply to him.

He didn't talk to me for a whole month only because I refused to tell him I was in my fucking menstrual cycle and I had to walk all alone to buy medicines for cramps! He was grumpy because I denied accepting his help in my painful conditions when I clearly helped him in his own!

He said he knew all about female anatomy so I shouldn't have hidden it from him!

Like, really?

I also know the fucking male anatomy but I don't point to you every day shouting in your gigantic elephant ears for your embarrassing morning arousals pressing against my back, now do I?

And don't even remind me of the situation where I had to watch naked man and woman fucking each other, slurping each other's tongue as if they never possessed a brain in the first place!

I mean what did they even find on lips to be so addicting that they go as far as digging and plunging their tongue and teeth into other's mouth!

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