15| Silent Rejection Hurts Even More

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[Edited on 3rd June, 2019]

Mia's Pov:

I was devastated. No, that shit was not happening with me. His company was way more precious to me than my own feelings, which he had been crushing since the day I met him.

I quickly told dad I would call him later and cut the line.

Ignoring my own pain, I ran towards Jake, grabbing his hands which were red from the hot coffee which was spilt over them just minutes ago. I blew air on his burning hand, making sure not to touch it when he pushed me not-so-gently.

"Don't touch me! I don't want anyone's help!" he growled at me, prying me off even far away from him. I stared at him, my eyes welling with tears. I quickly wiped them off with the back of my palm.

What did I do to deserve such a life?

"Jake, that's totally ridiculo-" I started, only to be cut off by his sharp intake of breath. He raised his palm at me, his bangs covering his forehead and eyes.

"No, don't say anything. Let me complete my question first! So you're marrying Theo James, the one who stalked and was so infatuated with you that he stole even your shorts?!" he said and shook his head. He walked past me, standing near the railing of the balcony and turned over to me. I could clearly see his eyes which had many emotions present in them, pain, anger and hurt more evident.

Then he spoke again.

"Oh, Mia. I thought so much better of you and your freakish brain!" he said, his anger evident in his eyes. He took one step towards me making me take another of my own.

"No, Jake that's totally wrong! Please, listen-"

"Well, why the hell are you explaining to me? Who am I to ask such questions?! I never was worthy enough for your company Mia, let alone for your answers," he barked at me.

"Jake, at least let me-"

"Congratulations on getting married," he said with heavy sarcasm. "I would make sure to drop by your wedding if I had the time off with my work. See you around then," he said conclusively before he walked out leaving me still in a daze.

That's so not good, I need to talk to Emily soon.

I met Jake in high school when my parents changed the neighbourhood. They were never actually around except for times when I was sick or I had to submit my school report.

My father is the shareholder of the Shipbuilding industry, always busy in his work. I never saw him much, not even for my birthdays. When I had first developed a crush on Jake, I was horrified to death because he was a playboy. It didn't matter that he himself came from a rich family.

His father is the CEO of the Automobiles industry, the reason he changes his vehicle each week. He had got his cocky personality from his father but a kind heart always comes from a mother. His parents used to me well as 'Chipmunk' when I visited them once to correct my innocent name.

They actually know my feelings for Jake as his mom once visited me to offer me gifts on Christmas and when I went to make her some coffee, leaving my unprotected feelings on the table, she made no attempt to leave it unrevealed.

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