𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒

346 11 29

^^^ Aang is a cinnamon roll, and must be protected at all costs 


Katara and Aang were holding hands while walking through the aisles, Aang pushing the nearly full shopping cart and Katara looked over the shopping list she typed out in the car.

Toph and Sokka had gone off on their own a while ago, and since they hadn't heard any crazed screaming, they assumed everything was fine.

"We've gotten everything on the list except for soap," Katara said. "I also need to get some lip gloss for Toph."

Aang nodded, and they walked to the cosmetic section of the store. "Toph doesn't seem like the person to wear makeup."

"I know. She said that it would be nice to have some on hand," Katara said. "Just for funzies."

He stared at all the various palettes on display of hundreds of shades. Some were glittery, some were dark, and some had a pale shimmer to them. His girlfriend skimmed through the several palettes, picking up a few here and there and inspecting them.

"Shopping for makeup looks hard," Aang said.

"Hmm? Oh, it's not that hard. You've just got to find whatever's right for your skin tone and suits your preferences."

"Why is this palette 50 bucks?" Aang asked, picking up a random palette. "That's like, 50 bowls of noodles."

Katara giggled. "Now you sound like Sokka."

"I'm just being realistic," Aang said, picking up another palette. "They call it cafe macchiato, but it still looks like brown"

A grin creeped on her face,"That's makeup for you."

He sighed, "I can't do makeup."


Sokka wandered down the aisle. Now, where was Toph? He went to check out the instant noodles section, but when he came back, she wasn't there.

He wandered into another aisle, it's lights visibly dimmer and there were hardly any people there.


The back of the store always seemed more creepier and daunting than the rest of the store.

Sokka heard rustling behind the large bottles of laundry detergent, and he backed away. A small puppy jumped out from behind the detergent.

"Oh spirits, you scared me," Sokka said, exhaling in relief. "It's just a puppy."

He cautiously knelt down, and hesitantly scratched the puppy's soft chocolate fur behind the ear.

"I'm going to name you Foo Foo Cuddlypoops," Sokka said. "Now, could you help me find Toph?"

The puppy just innocently tilted his head to the side.

"You're cute. Do you think you could help me get out of here? This place is giving me the creeps."

The puppy looked at Sokka for a moment before continuing down the aisle. Sokka followed the puppy around the place, but they seemed to be going in circles.

Sokka was so close to pulling out his hair, "If I can just get out of this situation alive, I will give up meat and sarcasm. Okay? I'm Sokka, the meat and sarcasm guy, but I'm willing to be Sokka, the veggies and straight talk fellow. Deal?"

"Sokka?" a familiar voice asked.

Sokka's ears perked up, and he turned to see Toph running in his direction.

"Toph! Thank goodness. Have you got any food? I'm starving."

She raised an eyebrow, "Who is that?"

"Oh! Toph, this is Foo foo cuddlypoops, Foo foo cuddlypoops, this is my friend, Toph," Sokka introduced.

"You've definitely been on cactus juice," Toph grumbled, before grabbing Sokka and leading him to the front of the store. "C'mon Snoozles, the store's about to close, and we've been looking for you forever."

Aang and Katara were waiting outside the store, holding their groceries.

"Sokka! Thank goodness you're okay!" Katara said, hugging her brother. "Where were you?"

"He got lost," Toph said.

"At least you're here. C'mon, let's head home," Aang said.


Once they reached their dorms, they helped carry the groceries inside their rooms, and Katara split the groceries up between the two dorm rooms.

Sokka pulled out a package of instant noodles and began to prepare it in the microwave.

"I don't understand why you like that stuff so much," Aang said. "They're not exactly the healthiest."

"Instant noodles are very healthy. Plus, Zuko and I have got a project to work on, and I got no time to cook."

"Katara's making her famous seaweed noodles," Zuko said, entering the living room.

Sokka's eyes lit up. "I suppose I could join you guys for dinner," he said.

They all joined Suki, Toph, and Katara in their dorm in the living room. They had extra chairs added to their dining table, which was already set with bowls.

Everyone split up to help set up the table for dinner. Aang went to the small kitchen.

"Do you need any help?" he asked, watching Katara move around the kitchen gracefully. Some curled strands of hair had already escaped the loose bun at the top of her head.

"Yes, actually," she said, taking out a spoon and dipping it into the gravy. "Could you test the salt for this?"

Katara lifted the spoon and blew on it, attempting to cool down the steaming food. She lifted the spoon, her eyes focusing on the spoon as she raised it to Aang's lips. He watched Katara as she raised the spoon and fed him the gravy. The warmth of the food filled his whole body.

He licked his lips, "Mmm, that's really good!"

"So, does it have enough salt?"

"It's perfect."

"Okay," she said, placing the spoon in the sink. Katara continued to stir the gravy on the stove top, her attention wholly fixed on the meal in front of her. Aang wrapped his arms around her waist, standing behind her. 

"You seem stressed," Aang noted, leaning his head on her shoulder. 

Katara hummed, "What's there to be stressed about?"

He chuckled. "I should be the one asking you that."

Suki popped her head into the kitchen, "Hey lovebirds! Don't forget about us!"

"Don't worry, we didn't," Aang assured. 

Katara slid on some oven mitts and lifted the pot from the stove top, bringing it to the dining table.

Everyone took their seats and began serving themselves food.

They began to eat their food, poking fun at Sokka who accidentally burned his tongue.

Suddenly, someone's phone began to ring.

Toph pulled out her phone from her sweatshirt pocket and stared at the caller ID.

"It's....my dad."


rereading this is a pain 😩 hopefully its better now

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