44| A Lie

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Thirty minutes into her sleep, Zara was awoke by the shrill of her phone that was next to her, she withdrew her arms from Maesha's still sleeping form before picking the call without checking who the caller is,

"Assalamu alaiki Baby na." Ammar's voice boomed into the phone,

"Wa alaikassalam Ya Ammar ya kake?; how are you?" Zara said sitting up from her lying position,

"I'm fine Alhamdulillah, you?" He asked,

"Fine, i was even sleeping when you called." Zara said pouting,

Ammar chuckled before saying, "So sorry for that my love, you will be mine in five months time In Sha Allah."

Zara smiled before saying, "In Sha Allah."

They chitchat a little before he hang up promising to call her later,

"Was that Yaya, Adda?" She heard Maesha said from behind, Zara abruptly turned and look at Maesha's still lying form,

"When did you wake up Maesha?" Zara asked,

"Your phone also woke me up." She said and pouted,

"So sorry my baby, i hope you've gotten enough sleep.?" Zara asked,

"Yes Adda, were you on phone with Yaya?" Maesha asked again,

Zara smiled before saying, "No, he was not the one."

"Who was he then?" Maesha asked,

"He is my cousin okay." Zara said trying her best to maintain her calm by giving Maesha a fake smile, she hates too many questions,

"Oh, Adda i don't wanna go home today, i want to sleepover." Maesha said and pouted,

"Whoa." Zara laughed, "You see Maesha, i have no problem with you staying, the question is will your mother agree, wait does she even know you are here." Zara said, because with the way Maesha's mother hate her, she doubts if she would let her daughter visit her,

"No Adda, i told her we are going on an ice cream date with Yaya." Maesha said and pouted,

"Oh no what should we do now my baby , i also want you to stay." Zara said thinking of 101 ways of how Maesha will stay without any chaos,

"You know what Maesha?" Zara said,

"No Adda." Maesha said,

"Come here." Zara motioned for Maesha to go , Maesha went and sat on Zara's laps before returning her attention to Zara,

"Do you know his number off head?" Zara asked,

"Whose number?" Maesha asked with a playful smirk on her lips,

Zara smacked her on her arm playfully before saying, "Your brother."

Maesha giggled before saying, "Why don't you like saying his name Adda, yes i know."

"Okay then, put his number and call him on my phone." Zara said and handed her phone to Maesha,

"But Adda, it would be better if you call him yourself." Maesha said,

"No, he will be more convinced when you call him, now dial." Zara said,

"Okay Adda." Maesha said and dialed Faisal's number, after the second ring he picked,

"Assalamu alaikum..." he said in a hoarse voice making Zara to squint because of the effect his voice had on her, oh Allah.

"Yayaaa." Maesha squealed,

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