59| Conveyed

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After the Nikah was conducted, Zara and Faisal's happiness knew no bounds. Zara realized that she's indeed still deeply in love with Faisal.

Both families were happy with the turn of event, they are all smiles as they congratulate each other. The families couldn't help but laugh at the circumstances. This is indeed the first time they witnessed a Nikah being took place in a hospital.

"Let's give them some alone time, shall we?" Ammar said smiling. Everyone of them saluted Ammar of what he did. He is indeed the most selfless person. He sacrificed the love he had for Zara for happiness. This is true love he have for her indeed.

Alhaji Umar and the rest of the elders , consoled him with nice words and prayers putting their blessings on him, which he smiled and thanked them before leaving the hospital.

"Alhamdulillah." Faisal whispers smiling at Zara.

"Alhamdulillah." Zara whispers back smiling holding his hands. It feels good touching his hands for the first time, in the halal way.

"It feels good to feel your touch for the first time ever." Faisal said entwining their hands smiling at her.

"I'm sorry." He started looking at her.

"Shhhhh." Zara said using her index finger to close his lips.


Ammar used the piece of tissue to wipe his tears that seems to not stop to fall. The pain he is feeling is an indescribable one. His heart is aching badly.

He still can't believe that Zara is someone else's and will never be his , not in this lifetime or the hereafter. His heart is still yearning for her love. He spent years loving her and he will forever love till his last breath.

He smiled when he remembers something. He re-unite two lovers. He made his Zara smile. They were not meant to be and he accept that as part of his qadr.

'Ya Allah, replace her with whom you think is the best for me. Amin' Ammar prayed.

He felt a hand touching his shoulder and when he looked up , he met with his mother's precious eyes.

"Maryam has told me everything that happened and I'm proud of you abnay; Son, you sacrificed your love by re-uniting two lovers. May Allah replace her with a good spouse who will love you just like you loved her and may Allah grant you children that will be the coolness of your eyes." His mother said hugging him.

"Thanks Mom." He said hugging her back smiling.

"Zara is here to see you." She said after they free from the hug.

"Zara?" Ammar asked surprised. What could be the reason for her sudden visit.

"Yes." His mother said. "Zara, please come in." She added.

Zara slowly came into the room , she smiled at her Aunt which she also smiled back and patted her back before leaving.

"Zara?" Ammar asked seeing as how she's suddenly started crying.

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