28| Evil

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Hajiya Ruqayyah came back from her friend/sorcerer's house.

She then made her way to Hanifah's room and set her free.

"You are now free" She said to Hanifah.

"Really" Hanifah asked to be sure.

"Yes of course" Hajiya Ruqayyah said and left the room smirking.

Hanifah on the other hand wonder why on earth will her mother just set her free, just like that , something is fishy. But anyways that's her mother's problem , she is now happy since she is set free and will tell her father about it.

She went downstairs and met everyone in the parlour watching TV. Poor guys they all don't know what happened to her. She wonder what her evil mother told them.

"Father" Hanifah whispered.

They all turned their attention to her. She ran and stopped at where her father is before hugging him.

"How are you my Hani, I missed you" He said hugging her back.

Dinah and Feenah shared a curious look between them wondering why did their mother changed her mind and set Hanifah free.

"I'm not fine Father" She said and started crying.

"We missed you so much sis" Khalifah and Nidal said at thesame time.

"What happened my dear" Senator Ahmad asked after she withdrew from the hug.

"Father , I want to tell you something important , it's about Ammie" Hanifah said giving Hajiya Ruqayyah a disgusting look.

Dinah and Feenah looked at their smiling mother and wonder why on earth is she not tensed up.

Senator Ahmad also gave his wife a curious look before yawing his attention to his daughter.

"Ni Kuma Hanifah what have I done to you , you just came back from Shareefah's house fa didn't you missed me" Hajiya Ruqayyah faked innocence.

"Father I ... I ..I " And then suddenly Hanifah can't remember anything she wanted to tell her father. What's wrong with her , she thought.

She yawed her eyes to her smirking mother , the moment she looked at her mother the memory appeared like a flash , but when she yawed her attention back and wants to tell her father it suddenly disappeared.

"My Hani, relax and tell me what is it you want to say" Senator Ahmad asked.

"Yes , Hanifah tell us what's the matter" Khalifah said.

"Father, I ...I ...I " And it disappeared again.

She looked at her mother who was still smirking and let out a loud wail.

"Why can't I remember , whyy" She said closing her eyes and using her two hands to hold her ear.

Senator Ahmad and Khalifah immediately stood up and went to her.

"Calm down my Hani , relax and have some rest , you can tell me later" Senator Ahmad said and hugged her.

"No Father , Ammie is an evil woman, she is no good at all, she has betrayed you" Hanifah said pointing an accusing finger at her mother.

"Hanifah what did I do to you why are accusing me , am I not your mother" Hajiya Ruqayyah said forming a crocodile tears.

"Shush Hanifah, I don't wanna hear you saying this, she is your mother, I know you are just stressed, Madinah and Nafeesah take her to her room" Senator Ahmad said with Hanifah still in his embrace.

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