52| Bugging

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"Mir , is there any progress?" Hanifa asked Amir from the other end.

Amir sighed rubbing his hair before saying. "No Nifah."

Hanifa pouted before saying. "What should we do now?"

"Leave everything to Allah Nifah, that's the best solution, if we are meant to be , we would be In Sha Allah." Amir said.

"We are meant to be Mir, In Sha Allah, this is our test and we shall pass through it." Hanifa said.

"In Sha Allah."


"I've also noticed her behaviors lately , she's not being her self Uncle Omar." Ammar said to Alhaji Umar Faruk.

"Son, don't you have any idea of what might be the reason?" Alhaji Umar Faruk asked.

Ammar kept quiet without knowing what to say. He knows Faisal is behind Zara's distress , their frequent meetings these days is the reason behind her gloominess.

If he tells Alhaji Umar Faruk, he might not take it lightly considering what Faisal did to Zara in the past. But would he just sit back and watch as his Zara wallow into misery? No he won't do that, it's high time he react and bring back his cheerful Zara. His soon to be wife. In Sha Allah.

"No Uncle. But I promise you i will do whatever it takes to set everything right again." Ammar said.

"Thank you Son, May God bless you all." Alhaji Umar Faruk prayed.

"Amin amin." Ammar said. After that he bids his soon to be father in law adieu before leaving. He needs to set everything right. He thought.


"For God's sake leave me alone! what do you want from me!" Faisal yelled to the stranger who's been bugging his life lately.

"Hey calm down Handsome , i care for you that's why." She said bringing her hands closer to his cheeks when he forcefully yanked her hands away.

"Stay away from me! aren't you ashamed of yourself! she's your fucking childhood best friend but you are here wanting to destroy her name! for what! what has she ever done to you tell me!" Faisal thundered making her to flinch.

"She has been insulted enough and I can't tolerate it anymore, so stay out of our lives understood!" Faisal said with grounded teeth. He is beyond furious.

"I'm so sorry, I was blinded by your love that i had to tarnish the image of my childhood again in your presence, despite she was once humiliated." Hafsa said with tears.

"I'm ashamed of myself, i really am!" She said and broke down in tears.

"Please find it in your heart to forgive me, and I promise i would help you in winning your Zara back , I promise." She said and smiled at him.

She's regretted her actions and now she would do whatever it takes her to do to unite the two lovers. That way she would find peace in her heart.


Khadijah hissed for the umpteenth time looking at her flat tyre, and no one is willing to help her.

She's called her mechanic and the man's number isn't going through. What should she do now.

"Oh God." She said on the verge of tears.

"Salamu Alaiki." She heard a deep voice from behind startling her.

"Wa alaikassalam." She answered turning to face him. Her eyes met with the most handsome man on earth.

"May i help?" He said pointing at her flat tyre with a smile.

"Sure." She smiled back nodding her head.

He removed her flat tyre and replaced it with a spare one he got from his car boot.

"Here we go." He said dusting his hands with a white duster.

"Thank you so very much." She said and smiled at him.

"Mention not please." He said and smiled back.

"My name is Al-amin Habib , you?" He asked , the smile still plastered on his face.

"Khadijah Abdulmanaf." She replied with a smile.

"Nice meeting you Khadijah, can I please have your number?" He asked making a pouty face just so she could give him. The gesture made her to laugh.

"You sure knows how to manipulate someone." She said and they both laugh.

And that was the beginning of a wonderful and life time relationship.

"I have an idea , let's go have some ice-cream." Ammar said trying to lit up Zara's mood.

"Ya Ammar, don't really feel like having some." Zara said with a pout.

"Why?" He said imitating her reaction making her to chuckle.

"I just don't wanna go out, right now, let's just watch a movie." She said making her way to the Tv.

"Okay then. Since you say so." Ammar said. And soon they began watching the movie.

But what Ammar noticed is that through out the movie , Zara's mind is somewhere else. What could be the reason behind Zara's worries?

Is it because Faisal is now back in their lives? But why does she feel so affected by him? Why would she change all of a sudden?

Could she be still in love with him? He asked himself. No no! It can't be! Zara is his soon to be in just two months time In Sha Allah. She's his and only his.

We are nearing to the end oo. Your thoughts on the chappy please.

Do the usuals❤️.



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