55| The Unveiling

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"I want you to stay still and listen to me and do whatever I'm about to say to you and also take heart Dinah." Hajiya Ruqayya said taking hold of Dinah's hands.

"Ammie what is it? you are scaring me." Dinah said looking at her mother with a scared expression.

"Yes Ammie you're scaring us, i was scared like hell when you informed me yesterday, i had to take an early flight to Katsina today, Ammie please tell us." Nafida said.

"Yes Aunt Ruqayya please  tell us what's the matter." Feenah said.

Hajiya Ruqayya cleared her throat before starting. "I've realized all my mistakes and wrong doings and now i want to mend it.

"I let the bitterness i felt nineteen years ago to guard me and take control of my heart. And making me do all sort of wrong things.

But as it's, it's not too late to mend your ways and seek repentance from Allah, the all knowing right? so now Alhamdulillah, I've seek forgiveness from all my wrong doings from Allah (Al- Gafur) Alhamdulillah." Hajiya Ruqayya said smiling.

Nafida and Dinah kept quiet still confused with their mother's sudden behavior.

"Dinah my love , there is a saying that says what's meant for you will always be for you. So what I'm trying to say here is , if you and Faisal are meant to be together, nobody or nothing could stop you guys from being together." Hajiya Ruqayya said.

"What brought about this Ammie?" Dinah asked still looking confused.

Hajiya Ruqayya sighed before saying. "Dinah, i want you to confess to all your crimes, i want you to tell Faisal and his family that you and Feenah were the ones who conspired against his failed marriage."

"What!" Nafida Feenah and Dinah said at the same time.

"Yes, i mean it."

"But why Ammie? why would i even say that and how will i even start Ammie? you know after hearing this Yaya will hate me and not even Yaya even Aunt Aisha and the rest will, so why would i even do so." Dinah said shaking her head. What's suddenly wrong with her mother? she thought.

"Don't you think it's better to be punished here than in the hereafter, wallahi Dinah i love you and Feenah and want the best for you that's why, Dinah if you die today wallahi Allah must ask you why you did what you did, you ruined a union and do you have any answer for that? No Dinah, would you say because of love? how will you even sound after saying that.

"Because if you love him truly then you will love to see him happy, love is always sacrifice not the other way round Dinah. If truly you loved him Dinah , you would've allow him to get married to the love of his life not destroy that." Hajiya Ruqayya said.

"Ammie what are you saying? You know i love Yaya so much and can't bear to see him with anybody but me." Dinah said looking at her mother. Nafida just kept quiet looking at her mother without taking her eyes off her.

"You see , this is selfishness Dinah, and if i may say what you have towards Faisal is obsession not love." Hajiya Ruqayya said.

"Ammie what are you saying? i don't understand what has suddenly got into your head." Dinah asked .

"There's nothing wrong with me Dinah, I'm saying the truth and i hope you will make use of it to Dinah, repent before it's too late Dinah." Hajiya Ruqayya said taking hold of Dinah's hands.

"And Zara, that poor girl, she's done nothing to hurt you or anyone of us but still you guys hurt her in the most hardest way ever. Imagine what trauma she went in when the marriage was called off? Dinah and Feenah you need to ask for her forgiveness before it's too late." Hajiya Ruqayya said.

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