48| Just A Minute

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"Maama, you need to come with me , I've been waking Adda Dinah up but she isn't responding, i think something is wrong with her." Maesha worriedly said to Hajiya Aisha.

"Are you sure Maesha..?" Hajiya Aisha worriedly said rosing up from her bed.

"Yes Maama." Maesha said on their way to Dinah's room.

Hajiya Aisha pushes the door open and hurriedly went to Dinah's sleeping form on the bed.

She tapped her on the arm but there wasn't any response, she tapped her again but there wasn't any response.

"Innanilahi wa'ina ilaihi raji'un." Hajiya Aisha whimpers,

She duck her head to Dinah's face to feel her breathing, and she sighed when she heard she was breathing.

"But why isn't she responding Maama?" Maesha asked.

"Maybe she's tired, and you know Dinah is a heavy sleeper so calm down my princess there is nothing wrong with her.." Hajiya Aisha said smiling at Maesha.

"Okay then Maama , let's leave." Maesha said.

"Sure my baby..." Hajiya Aisha said and stood up wanting to leave when her eyes caught a small white-ish bottle.

"What's this?" She said turning the bottle in her hands, she found a small description on the bottle but couldn't read it because of dim light of the room.

So she took the bottle with her to her room.


People shouldn't be trusted anymore. Faisal thought.

In today's world, the ones closer to you are your biggest enemy, he doesn't know why , but this kind of people aren't they afraid of the day of resurrection?

They just would go any length to get what they wants, they don't care about their relationships anymore, whether it will affect it or not or will shatter it or not. They just don't care as far as they would get what they want they don't care. Subhanallah.

Oh Allah! We seek refuge in you from betrayal. Amin.

His mind drifted to the conversation he had one week ago with that stranger. He still can't believe someone would do something like that to their closest person.

Ya Allah! Where is the world going.

Faisal couldn't concentrate on his work for the day, so he pack his things and left the office. Maybe, just maybe he would find peace at home.

But he doubt so with that clingy girl disturbing him at home! he just don't want to see her face for no reason right now.

Mimi stirred in her sleep, memories of the day rushing down in her sleep , she's been seeing blurry pictures in her head, she felt her head pounding which made her to cry. She was awoke by her husband, Muhammad.

"Subhanallah babe, relax , what's the matter." He said raising her up.

She burst out into a new set of tears and hugged him.

"Relax. What's the matter. Why were you crying in your sleep." He said patting her head.

"Baby, i've been having some kind of weird dreams in my sleep, I've been seeing some blurry pictures in my head, it's as if i want to remember something but I can't." She cried burying her head on his chest.

Muhammad kept quiet accessing something, there's more to look in, in this matter. He doesn't believe in those spiritual things, but now, it seems that his wife is battling with the issue.

"Shush, it's okay, everything will be okay , just keep reciting your azhkar and all will be alright okay?" He said kissing her forehead.

"Okay." She sniffed.

He need to seek the consult of a scholar.


"What's wrong with you?" Zara asked a patient.

"I'm not fine Doctor, i am emotionally, physically and mentally stressed." The patient cried.

"Subhanallah, and if i may ask you what's the cause of this your distress?" Zara asked.

"My husband Doctor, it's my husband." She sniffed.

"He is a very wicked man, he doesn't care about me nor his children anymore, he doesn't give us enough food, he always drinks and come back late at night and beat me, I don't know what i did to him." The hunger striken and worried patient cried.

"I'm sorry for this, Allah will revenge all of your sufferings for you, just stick to your azhkar and pray and everything shall be okay, and if i may advise, i think you should seek the counsel of your elders to interfere in the matter.

I know involving a third party in a marriage is not always good, but in this your situation you should inform your parents or his preferably. This is not a matter that should be taken slightly. I mean he doesn't fulfill your basic needs so why stay at his home and harm yourself and your children?" Zara said looking at the crying woman.

"Thank you so much for your advise Doctor Jazakillahu Khairan, May Allah bless your home and if not married may Allah give you the righteous spouse and grant you children that will be the coolness of your eyes." The woman prayed.

"Thank you so much , here take this." Zara said handing the woman a bundle of #500 notes. The woman thanked her more and left.

Oh God! What has men turn into this days? Why would you marry a woman and treat her with such kind of treatment? Aren't they human?

May Allah guide those kind of men to the right path then, Ameen!
Men are men they would never change, she was also once betrayed by one!

She sighed and pack her things ready to close for the day. She exited the office and was in the parking lot, she was about to enter her car when she felt someone called her name and she knows that voice! She turned her face only to see him staring at her.

"Zara , please don't go , i promise i won't stay longer than five minutes, please just give me a minute please."

You guys aren't encouraging me at all , seriously 🥺🥺, only few comments in a chapter fa! Haba manaaa🥺🥺. Please you guys should be commenting plshhh❤️.

Don't forget to fast today.


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