54| Repentance

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"Zara my dear, please tell me what's wrong, I can't bear to see you like this and don't you dare tell me it's nothing because I won't believe that." Hajiya Maryam said sitting next to Zara who has buried her heads on her laps.

Zara sniffed shaking her head. "There's nothing wrong with me Mummy, i promise."

"Zara, I'm your mother, you aren't suppose to hide anything from me, you know i will always be here for you right?" Hajiya Maryam said drawing Zara to her bosom.

"Yes Mummy." Zara said hugging her mother.

"Then tell me what's the problem baby? what has been making you down lately?" Hajiya Maryam asked patting her daughter's back.

"Mummy I just don't feel like getting married to Ya Ammar anymore." Zara sniffed.

"And why if i may ask Zara?" Hajiya Maryam asked. Why would her daughter suddenly say that.

"Did he do anything wrong to you?" Hajiya Maryam asked.

"No Mummy, Ya Ammar has been nothing but kind to me, he's the most selfless person i know, he is every girl's dream to find a guy who would love selflessly like Ya Ammar, but i just don't feel like getting married to him anymore." Zara said.

"Then if he has all this good qualities then why don't you feel like marrying him anymore?" Hajiya Maryam asked.

"I also don't know Mummy." Zara said.

"How can't you not know Zara? there must be a reason, tell me what is it." Hajiya Maryam said.

"Mummy, I'm just so confused, i...i don't know what to do." Zara said and burst into set of tears.

"Shush, it's okay my baby, it's shaytan's doings , whenever he sees a good relationship trying to blossom he will do whatever it takes to destroy it by causing doubts and confusion in one of the couple's mind , so be always reciting Hasbunallahu wa ni'imal wakeel , In Sha Allah everything will be alright." Hajiya Maryam said kissing her daughter's forehead.

"Thank you Mummy." Zara said.

There's more to look into in this matter. Hajiya Maryam thought.


"Aunt Maryam, I've also tried my best but all in vain." Ammar said to Hajiya Maryam.

"So what could be this that is bothering our Zara?." Faruk asked no one in particular.

"Mummy you're the one who is suppose to confront Zara about this, you're the only one she will tell freely because you're her mother." Mufida said.

"You guys won't understand, Zara isn't ready to say anything yet and I don't want to force her to do so." Hajiya Maryam said.

"But Mummy, the wedding is in two months, how can we get her married in this condition?" Muhammad said.

"Yes exactly Mummy, this won't work at all, Ammar can't you do anything to get her say something?" Mahmud said.

"I tried all I could but Zara isn't given me the satisfaction i want." Ammar said.

"Mummy, if being nicer will not make her to speak, then why try to be a little harsh, with that maybe she would be able to say something." Mufy said.

"Yes i agree with Mufida Mummy." Muhammad said.

"Ya Allah! May Allah see us through." Hajiya Maryam said.

"Amin." They all said.


"Have you found anything yet?" Faisal asked Mr Sam.

"I'm sorry Mr Faisal, but there isn't anything yet, but I promise you we will try our best." Mr Sam assured Faisal.

"Thank you Sam." Faisal said and shakes Sam's hands before leaving.

Ya Allah. He can't wait to find out who was behind his agony. He just hopes he won't be disappointed.


"Yaya I'm so happy we are getting married, Ya Allah! I can't wait." Dinah squealed.

"What are you doing in my room Dinah? didn't i warn you against coming into my room unannounced." Faisal said annoyed.

"Oh I'm so sorry Yaya, but aren't we getting married." Dinah said and pouted.

"But we aren't married yet right? so now please leave i have an important work to do." Faisal said sighing. He's got enough of the girl!

"Sure Yaya, just so you know i love you so much." She said and left the room.

"Feenah I don't know what i did to your brother, but he hates my mere presence." Dinah sniffed.

"No, why would you think like that Dinah my love? Yaya doesn't hates you okay? yes he may not love you but i assure you when you get married he will learn to, and I doubt if he could resist this your sexy body." Feenah said and winked at the last part of her sentence.

Dinah laughed before saying. "I hope so Feenah."


"What are you saying Ruqayya? are you really the one in front of me." Hajiya Rabi'a gasp touching Hajiya Ruqayya to ensure she's the one.

Hajiya Ruqayya painfully smiled before saying. "Yes Rabi'a I'm the one, but i've realized all my mistakes and I've realized that this is not the right path, so I've repent and i hope Allah will continue to forgive my sins, you should also return to the right path Rabi'a, this is not right."

"Yes indeed! Ruqayya , we've been in the wrong and i will surely also stop sorcery and go back to the right path , thank you Ruqayya for enlightening me." Hajiya Rabi'a said.

"I'm glad to hear you say that Rabi'a, may Allah accept our repentance." Hajiya Ruqayya prayed with a smile on her lips.

"Amin." Hajiya Rabi'a said.

"But i want you to set things right with Mimi tho, the spell you cast on her please remove it." Hajiya Ruqayya said.

"Sure Ruqayya, but it will take some days before it completely out of her." Hajiya Rabi'a said.

"It's okay as long as it will be removed then I don't mind." Hajiya Ruqayya said with a smile on her lips.

"It's okay Rukky, and after I've removed the spell , i promise I'm done with this forever." Hajiya Rabi'a said with a smile.

"Alhamdulillah then." Hajiya Ruqayya said.

Is this really the Hajiya Ruqayya i know guys?😂. But it's a good thing tho. Alhamdulillah she's now on the right path.

May Allah guide people like her out there on the right path also Amin.

Six more chapters to go lovelies😚❤️.


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