41| Amnesia

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"Abbie, Maama , I'm discharged." Maesha squealed when Alhaji Abdulmanaf and Hajiya Aisha came into the room,

The both of them smiled before saying, "Alhamdulillah then Maesha."

"Good Afternoon Abbie, good afternoon Maama." Zara greeted the both of them squatting in respect,

Alhaji Abdulmanaf smiled at her before saying, "How are you Zara."

"I'm fine Alhamdulillah Abbie." Zara answered her head duck down, Hajiya Aisha didn't spare her a glance and made her way to Maesha's bed,

"Mashaa Allah." He said, she was about to leave when Maesha stopped her,

"Wait Adda Zara , don't go , remember Yaya was about to say something to you when Abbie and Maama came in." Maesha blabbered,

Ya Allah , she is such a chatter box, Zara thought.
Both of them didn't say anything, the room became silent when Alhaji Abdulmanaf decided to break the silence,

"Oh really, then Faisal you guys should go and have a talk." Alhaji Abdulmanaf said, Faisal almost screamed out of joy, but just nodded his head at his father,

"But, why would you say that, they should have a talk." Hajiya Aisha said stopping Faisal on his tracks,

"Please Aisha , let them be , hm." Alhaji Abdulmanaf said smiling at his wife, "Faisal you may leave." He said and Faisal nodded his head and exited the room with Zara following him,

"What are you doing Abby Faisal, why would you tell them to go out and have a talk when you know this girl is no good at all." Hajiya Aisha said fuming,

Alhaji Abdulmanaf smiled giving his wife a pitiful look, she is so innocent that's why her elder sister takes advantage of her innocence, she dictates his wife's life, he doesn't know what kind of fear his wife has towards her elder sister, sometimes he doubts if it's even natural,

"This is not my Aisha standing in front of me." Alhaji Abdulmanaf said feigning hurt like a five year old child,

Hajiya Aisha looked at him before saying, "What do you mean."

Alhaji Abdulmanaf smiled before saying, "My Aisha doesn't hold grudges, she doesn't even frown her face, she is always smiling." He said making Maesha to laugh,

She also smiled before saying, "She is still your Aisha, it's just that she doesn't like people who aren't decent."

"And who told her that Zara isn't decent huh." Alhaji Abdulmanaf said giving her a side hug,

"Hm, she saw it by herself." Hajiya Aisha said,   "Hm and she shouldn't judge people for what she isn't sure is real." Alhaji Abdulmanaf said.

Zara and Faisal came out of the room and walked towards the balcony, silence ensued them both with no one not knowing what to say,

This reminds them of their relationship when everything was beautiful, when she sees the world in him and he sees the world in her,

Faisal cleared his throat in attempt to break the silence,
"Zara.." He called her name softly making her to turn and look at him deep into his eyes, how she missed this soul,

"Yes." Zara managed to croak out, she doesn't want her heart to betray her, just when she has decided to give Ammar a chance, her past came back,

"I'm sorry, please forgive me." Faisal said looking at her , he was a minute away from breaking down when he remembers the words he told her that faithful afternoon, and he knows he might never get a chance to be with her,

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