30| Pain

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The next morning Ammar dressed up and went to wake Zara up. He knocked at her door three times but got no response,so he assumed she's taking her bath and went back to the parlour to wait for her.

He waited for another thirty minutes but still she didn't came out , he took his phone and call but still got no response.So he decided to go to her room and check on her.

What he saw made him hung his mouth, Zara sprawled out on the bed with her pink pyjamas , her hair all scattered around the pillow , her lips in a pout making her to look so cute. He didn't know when he brought out his phone and took a picture of her.

"Mashàa Allah" He whispered, he need to make Zara his before he loose her.

He slowly moves to the bed and stood there contemplating whether to wake her up or not.

"Her lips are so irresistible" He mumbled, that's when he realized what he just said.

"Astaghfirullah" He whispered, how he wish Zara is his halal wife, he would have senselessly kissed those pink, small and luscious lips.

Zara shifted in her sleep making her chest to show a little.

Ammar gulped again upon sighting her mounds, why is his Zara torturing him like that , he can't hold it anymore, he need to make her his as soon as possible.

He cleared his voice and tapped her arm.

"Good morning sleepy head, wake up" Ammar said smiling at her.

Zara  pouted her lips and said.
"Please Ya Ammar leave me I'm really sleepy" She said making Ammar to chuckle.

"You have to wake up baby , we have to take you back home remember" He said.

"Ughhh, okay" She said and sat up from her lying position , using her hands to rub her eyes making her to look more cute.

Ammar just stared at her with so much love and lust wishing she is his halal.

"I will be waiting for you my Zara." Ammar said and smiled at her.

"Okay" She said and made her way to the bathroom.

She got out from the bathroom shortly, she rubbed her cream, sprayed her deodorant and put on her under wears before bringing out a pink gown and slipping on it.

She sprayed her perfumes and took her things before exiting the room.

On the other hand Ammar has not been himself after seeing Zara in that condition, he went to the kitchen and made a cup of hot water and lime before gulping  it.

He is the horny type , so whenever he is in need he takes a cup of lime so as to maintain himself,that's why he always engage in fasting so as to avoid himself from commiting the dirtiest sin Zina.

"Ya Ammar what are you taking" Zara asked startling him.

"Oh my Zara you are done , actually nothing just a cup of coffee" Ammar said.

"Oh okay, let's go" Zara said.

"Sure after you" He said and they left.

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