Chapter Seven

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You slowly open your eyes due to the sun shining in your eyes. You feel a warmth coming from your right side and when you look up you remember that you're in Natasha bed. 'Oh, I hope this isn't going to be awkward' 

After laying there for a few more minutes, you get the urge to use the bathroom. You carefully slip out of Natasha's grasp and out of bed successfully. You look back at Nat one last time before leaving the room to see her still asleep. You silently close her door and walk to your bedroom.

When you enter the room you see Wanda and Peter still on your bed. Wanda looks almost dead so you go and check if she's still breathing. Then you look over to Peter, whose mouth is open with a little bit of drool coming out. You giggle at the sight and make your way to the bathroom.

You look over at your clock and it's 7 am. 'Why isn't anyone awake yet?' You think before you realize it's Sunday and everyone in the compound likes to sleep in on Sundays if there's no mission.

Suddenly a yawn slips from your mouth so you walk to the kitchen to try and wake yourself up. You don't like coffee so you dispense some hot water into a mug and grab a teabag and let the herbs soak in the water for a couple minutes. 

You sit on the couch and turn on the tv, flipping channels until you land on Spongebob. You'll never get too old for Spongebob. After a few episodes you check the clock and it says 9 am. The team should be up soon so you decide to make breakfast for everyone.

"Morning y/n/n." you hear Wanda say as she and Peter walked into the kitchen. Peter looks at all the food and you can see his mouth begin to water a bit. "It smells so good. Thanks, y/n." Peter says and you nod at him. The last thing for you to do was fry the bacon. Once that was done you washed all the dishes and the three of you grabbed a plate of food and sat down to eat. One by one the team started to file into the room.

At first, Steve and Bucky look at the food and look at each other with confused looks. "Guys, I promise it's good." You say and the guys grab plates and sit down. "Thanks y/n" Bucky says and gives you a smile which makes you smile back at him. 

Tony then walks and moments later Natasha does too. Clint was spending time with his family since the team didn't have to go on a mission anytime soon. You watch as Natasha grabs a plate and sits down next to Thor across from you. She doesn't look at you the entire time she eats.

"So y/n. I've been talking with Fury and we were wondering if you wanted to join the team?" Steve says breaking your attention away from Nat. "Okay. Yes I would like that." You weren't completely sure you wanted to go out on dangerous missions but with your powers you figured you could try and be useful while you lived here. 

"Alright, you start training today." He says then the team all congratulates you before going back to eating and chatting. Natasha staying silent the entire time.

After breakfast, you, Peter, and Wanda all go back to your room. "Yay I'm so happy that you're on the team!" Peter says and Wanda nods in agreement. "Peter go change, we should train with her." She says and they both walk out of my room. I go to my closet and put on some leggings, running shoes, a sports bra, and a grey athletic jacket. you zip up the jacket to right underneath the bra so it looks like you're wearing a shirt.

Wanda then comes back to your room and the two of you walk to meet up with Steve. When you get in the training room, Peter is talking with Steve and Bucky. You and Wanda walk up to them. "So y/n what can you do besides turning invisible?" Steve asks. "Well. I also kind of know hand-to-hand combat, and I can shoot a gun." You say not wanting to overestimate your abilities. "Okay let's see how you do against me?" Steve says and you nod.

You and Steve step onto the mat and Bucky, Peter and Wanda sit down on the bench. "You ready?" Steve says and you nod. He throws a punch at you which you dodge, he left his arm out there long enough for you to grab it and flip him over. He catches himself but is still unsteady so you use the opportunity to swipe his right foot from behind, making him fall on his back. He grunts when he hits the mat. "WOOHOO, THAT'S MY BESTIE RIGHT THERE!" Peter yells from the bench making me giggle. "WAY TO GO Y/N!" Wanda yells with the same enthusiasm as Peter.

"Kinda know hand to hand?" Steve asks sarcastically. "I'm not that good, your form was just kind of sloppy." You say in the same manner. Bucky, Peter, and Wanda laugh at your comment and Steve give glares at them, which makes them stop. "I was going easy on you." You could see a hint of a smile as he spoke. "Alright, let's see what else you can do."

Steve suggested you try a few different things before going against him again. When the two of you do spar again, Peter mentioned that Steve's leg were his weak point, swipe them and he's down. 

While doing weapons training you told Steve you prefer the knives and he made a note to tell Tony that. You didn't fight Wanda or Bucky because it was only you're the first day. 

"Before we end training today, can you show us how you turn invisible?" Bucky asks and everyone nods. "Okay, I just hope I can still do it, I haven't tried in over a month." You say unsure of yourself. You take a deep breath and close your eyes. When you open your eyes everyone has dumbfounded expressions on their faces. You giggle a little and they jump a little trying to look at you. You walk to behind Peter, you're pretty light on your feet so they don't hear you. Once you are behind him, you are met with a familiar chill, telling you that you are no longer invisible. "BOO!" you tell and they all turn around and scream at the top of their lungs. Peter's scream comes out in a high-pitched girl scream. You burst out laughing while they're all trying to catch their breath. Then Bucky starts laughing as well which causes Peter to hit him in the arm. Unfortunately for Peter, he hit his metal arm, causing him to shriek again. Then Wanda starts laughing, following with Steve. Once Peter's hand stops hurting he too begins laughing.

After a good minute, you all start to leave the room. Steve and Wanda go in the opposite direction from Peter, Bucky, and you. The three of you head to the living room where you sit down but Peter and Bucky keep walking. You're left alone in the common room for a few minutes before Natasha walks in.

Nat sits down on the couch across from me. She doesn't look at me once. "Are you mad at me or something?" you asked a little annoyed at her. "or something" she mumbles soft enough that you didn't hear. "Uhm. Why do you ask?" She says right after, trying to cover up what she had just said.

"Well you seem like your ignoring me, and you wouldn't look at me all morning." You say. She could hear a little hurt in your voice and she felt bad. She sighed, "I'm not mad, just confused." She says in a softer tone while looking at the ground. "Confused about what?" you ask, genuinely curious as to what's troubling her. "Well, uhm" she says slowly, trying to figure out what to say. "I- I think I li-" she stops talking when she hears footsteps. We both turn our heads to see Bucky walking in. I turn back to her, "uh sorry. You were saying?" I said turning my attention back to her. "Oh. Uhm. I think I-" she stops again to think. "I liked your food and was wondering if you could teach me how to cook?" she said and mentally cursed herself for being a coward.

"Oh, yeah of course. Just let me know when," you say with a smile which she returns. "Hey
y/n? Can I talk to you in private for a sec?" Bucky says, grabbing your attention. You turn to Natasha, "I'll be right back" you say before waking with Bucky into another room.

"What's up Bucky?" You say and you notice he looks a little nervous. "y/n, I know we've only known each other for a month but I really like you." He says slowly and you give him a smile which eased his nerves a little when he saw it. "I was wondering... If you wanted to go on a date with me?" He said shyly. You've never seen Bucky look so vulnerable. "I would love to Bucky." You said and the biggest smile spread across his face. "Okay. Great... Uhm I'll come to your room around 7? Dress casual." He said smiling the whole time. "Alright, see you then," you said giggling at his ecstatic behavior.

You walked back into the room to see Natasha still sitting on the couch. When she sees your face she can't help the feeling in her stomach. Your smile alone gives her butterflies. "Why so cheerful?" She asks.

"Bucky just asked me out!"

What do you guys think? Was this a good chapter?

Also please don't hate me for this :)

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