Chapter Twenty Three

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You wake up, still snuggled up with Bucky. He begins to stir awake, "Morning Buck" you say as you begin to get out of his hold. "Morning, what time is it?" you look over to the alarm clock in the room, "7am, the SHIELD pilot should be here soon" you say as you jump out of bed and head to the bathroom to get ready.

Once you've checked out, you make your way to the outside of town. That's when you see a ship flying towards you and lands not too far from you, so you quickly make your way over to it. "Y/l/n, Barnes" the pilot greets you. "If we leave now, we should be there by nightfall." he adds and the two of you nod before sitting down in the back.

"So what do we do for the next 10 to 12 hours?" Bucky jokes. The two of you end up talking for the first 4 hours getting to know each other better, 3 hours playing games and making a handshake, 3 hours of talking with the pilot, and an hour nap sesh that ended once you landed at SHIELD hq.

"Good work Avengers" Fury says as you hand him the staff. "If I may ask, what is that?" you ask. "This is Loki's scepter, and you can't tell anyone that we have it again, because if word gets out... Well lets just say the last time the Avengers had the scepter bad things happened." he says vaguely but you take that as a good enough answer. "Um if anyone asks, just tell them it was a stakeout mission, you got shot at unexpectedly, and it ended up being a dead end." He adds before you and Bucky board the ship once more to head back to the compound.

The jet lands and you walk Bucky to the medical wing hoping that someone was still there as it was 9pm. "Bruce, thank goodness" you say as you enter the med bay to find Bruce looking at some files. "What happened?" he asked as he notices Bucky's leg is wrapped. "Oh nothing, just a stake out mission gone wrong." you say as you look at Bucky, both of you trying not to laugh and give away that you're lying. "Well okay, sit on the table and I'll take a look"

He checks you both out and tells you, you're good to go. Despite Bucky not being able to walk, he went with you to your room which was on the opposite side of the compound. "Buck you really didn't have to walk me all the way to my room" you say once you stop at your door. "Well I wanted to" he responds. "You know considering what happened, today was not bad right?" he chuckles at your glass half full attitude. "Yeah it was pretty great" he says and you both smile before going into a hug. After you pull away, you reach to open your door, "Night Buck" you say, "Night y/n/n" he responds before you step inside your room. Just as you're about to close the door, you see Natasha watching you as she leans on the door frame of her room. "Hey Nat" you say as you step back outside to talk to her. "Hi" she says coldly before beginning to close her door. "Hey Nat, whats wrong" you ask as you make your way over to her.

"What happened to you?" her voice was monotone. "Oh, uhm. Stakeout mission gone wrong." you hesitated but hope that she didn't notice. But of course she noticed, being a highly trained spy. "So you and Bucky?" she suggested but you didn't catch it. "Me and Bucky?" you asked so that she would elaborate. "You were together" she said slowly. "On the mission, yes." you replied without hesitation. "So we're done?" she asks but you still aren't catching on to what she is trying to say. "Done with what. Natasha what are you talking about?" you sigh at her vagueness because you are pretty clueless. "You chose him" she mumbled, "No Fury did" you rebutted because you thought she was talking about the mission. "That's not what I'm talking about y/n." Natasha snapped and you finally realized what she was talking about but you didn't show it, so you could see where she goes with this.

"Well. Please, enlighten me" you suggest, "You don't like me anymore?" she asked and you caught the hurt tone in her voice. "What no Natasha, of course I do, please just tell me what you mean." you plead. "You know what I mean" she begins to walk further into her room, leaving you to follow her.

"No Natasha, I don't" you imply and she a snaps her body to face yours again, "and why do you keep calling me Natasha?" she had a sharp tone of voice. "I'm sorry Natash-" you quickly catch yourself. "Um Nat..." you say softly and she just glares at you. "So you haven't chosen yet?" she asks and you can see a glint of hope in her eyes. "No I did" her face stayed emotionless but you could see the sadness in her eyes. "Let me guess, an ex assassin" you nod, "that you've been on one date with" you nod. "And has a fake arm" she snaps and your face falls. "Oh my gosh Nat, can you just listen to me" you let out in frustration. "I am listening" her monotone voice makes you feel a little uncomfortable. You take a deep breathe, "I'm saying that I didn't choose Bucky" you say, "So Wanda then?" the stoic expression is still on her face so you can't tell if she is being serious, but it's frustrating you. "My goodness Nat. Stop being so stubborn!" you let out with a sigh. "Are you sure? Why would you choose me?" she asked her face changing to one of confusion. "Because, a friend told me that you'll know because it will feel right, and Nat this feels right to me." You say as you grab her hands and interlock your fingers. She uses your connected hands to pull you closer to her so your faces are inches apart. "I'm going to kiss you right now" she says in a low voice, sending chills through your body. "You better" you say and she immediately lets go out your hands and moves hers to the small of your back to pull you closer. Your lips connected with hers in a passionate kiss that lasted a few seconds before she pulled away. When yours eyes meet, you can see hers are filled with lust.

"Do you want to keep going?" she asked and you take a second to catch your breath. "We don't have to go any further if you don't want to." she added and you took in a deep breath. "Can we wait?" you start and she smiles, "It's just I-" you add but she cuts you off. "Y/n, it's okay. If you want to wait, I'll wait for you." she reassured and you sighed in relief. "Thank you" you said, "I'm going to go to sleep." you begin walking but she grabs your hand. "Do you want to stay here?" she asks and you nod before you both walk over to the bed. She pulls the covers down and motions for you to get in, and she covers you with the blanket before going to the other side and lying down.

You lie your head and turn to face away from her. "Uh, do you want to cuddle?" she asks shyly and you chuckle, "sure" you reply and a smile covers her face as you move to lie right next to her, still facing away. She positions herself so her chest is pressed against your back and she spoons you, and you relax as she wraps her arms around you protectively. "Goodnight" you whisper, "Goodnight y/n" she replies and you feel her place a soft kiss on the back of your head before you drift off to sleep.

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