Chapter Twenty

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"Thanks" you whispered, due to the fact that she was now standing very close to you, where your noses where inches apart.

"No problem" she whispered back. Her eyes flickered back and forth between your eyes and your lips. She put the empty ice cream cup and paper bag down on the trunk, not taking her eyes off of you. Her breathing picked up a bit, indicating to you that she was nervous, but what you wondered was why.

Natasha took a deep breath, her eyes softening and a smile crept onto her face. "I believe you owe me a kiss." She said in a low voice, and you smiled. "Is that right?" you teased, "Yes, it was close but you lost," she joked because you both knew you weren't at all close to winning. "Maybe I let you win," you challenged, "Well if that were true your score wouldn't be so high" she said sarcastically, "hey! it wasn't that bad." you said and she tried to stifle her laughter. "Okay yeah it was pretty bad." you admitted and you both laughed, and you playfully hit her arm, "stop laughing!" you tried to say seriously. "You stop laughing," she rebutted. You shook your head and turned to grab the bag and cup. Before she can say anything you walk over to the trashcan outside the store before walking back over to her. You didn't want to admit it, but you were stalling because you were nervous about kissing Natasha and you didn't know why.

She noticed your uneasiness as you walked back over to her, "hey, you okay?" she asked softly and you nodded. She brushed a strand of hair out of your face and her eyes locked with yours, and her soft, green eyes manage to ease your mind. Her hand moved to your cheek as she stepped closer to you. She was so close that you could feel her hot breath on your face, making you visably relax and she then leaned in closer until her lips met yours. Your lips connected perfectly together like puzzle pieces. Her lips were soft as was the kiss, until you could feel the kiss becoming more passionate as she swiped her tongue across your bottom lip, asking for access into your mouth which you immediately granted. She had instant control over the kiss but you didn't care because you knew that this felt right. Her tongue took its time to explore your mouth, as if she was trying to memorize it in this one kiss. Eventually she pulled back slowly so the two of you could catch your breath, making you wish that you didn't need to breathe so that you could kiss her forever.

"That was better than I could've ever imagined." she sighed in content, and you could see the pure happiness that was written all over her face. "That was one of the best kisses, I've ever had." you stated. "Not the best?" Natasha noted to herself that it would be her goal to be your best kiss. You just smiled at her and you were glad she didn't ask who your best was. "Shall we go back to the compound?" Natasha asked and you nodded before both of you got into the car.

After Natasha parked the car, she opened the door for you and held out her hand which you grabbed onto and didn't let go the whole way to your room. You stopped when you reached your closed door and turned to face her. "Thank you for tonight, I had a lot of fun." you stated and she gave you a smile. She was proud of herself that you had a great time on the date but she wouldn't celebrate until she got to her room, where you couldn't see her. You went into hug her and when you pulled away you gave her a light kiss on the cheek, "goonight" you said before turning halfway to open your door. "Goodnight." she replied as she watched you go into your room and closing the door behind you.

Nat then made her way into her room and she leaned up against the door as she closed it. The biggest smile grew on her face and she made her way over to the bed. She faced away from the bed and her fists pumped into the air in glee as she jumped backwards onto the bed. She took a deep breath to collect herself before getting up again and prepare for bed.

You walk into your bathroom straight away, and you get ready for bed. As you make your way over to the bed you notice that there are human sized bumps under the covers. You turn invisible and crawl onto the bed and you shake them both until they are half awake, "AHH!" you yell as you turn visible. Wanda jumps and covers her face with her hands and Peter lets out a high pitched scream which you and Wanda laugh at, but stop once Peter pushes you off the bed and you land on your butt. "Ouch!" you say in actual pain because of the hard floor. "Sorry not sorry." he responds and you glare at him before turning to Wanda with puppy dog eyes. "Aww" she says dragging out the 'w' as she looks at you. "Peter, I'm sorry. I can't say no to that face" she says and his eyes go wide, "Uh oh" he lets out before he is pushed off the bed by Wanda's red wisps. The three of you burst out in laughter and you all crawl up in bed.

"So, how was the date?" Peter asked as he began playfully poking you, but stops when your eyes narrow at him. "It was amazing really, we went mini golfing, ate some grilled cheese sandwiches in the park, I introduced ice cream and fries to her," you said and they looked at you like they were waiting for something. Not able to hold it in any longer, "we kissed!" you blurted out and they verbally cheered. You told them about the date and the kiss, not leaving out a single detail. Once you were done telling your story a random thought came to mind, "did you guys wait in my room the whole night?" you asked. "No" Wanda started, dragging out the 'o', "we left to get some snacks a little after you left" she said sarcastically and you all laughed. "We wanted to be here when you came back but we also didn't know how long the date would last." Peter added. "You guys are something else," you stated. Before the three of you lied down and quickly drifted off to sleep. You guys always sleep in the same bed even though you all have your own, but you're okay with it because you love them. But no matter what, it's never felt the same as how you felt when you were in bed with Natasha, and her arms were wrapped around you protectively, but it was close enough for now.

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