Chapter Forty Four

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The team talked during dinner and got to know them better. You also felt more relaxed after Tony assured you that he had disassembled whatever technology was inside that ring.

"I'm not 100% sure but I think it had something to do with you not being able to access you true memories" you tilted your head in confusion. "Basically every time you try to remember or something was trying to trigger your memories, the ring would attempt to reset your brain in a way and keep you brainwashed" Tony explained.

"Hydra really stepped up their game" Bucky commented and they all nodded. "So now she would be able to remember?" Wanda asked what everyone was thinking.

"Probably, but it might take some time so let's all just be patient okay?" the team nodded and you thanked Tony before you and Natasha went back to your room as it was really late.

"You tired?" she asked as she closed the door behind you. "Not really, would you be down for like a movie or something?" you asked shyly not wanting her to feel obligated. She nodded her head and began to walk to the couch.

"Come sit on the bed" you sat down and patted the spot next to you and she questioned you but you reassured her so she gave in and got under the covers. The two of you sat, leaning against the headboard, with a relatively big space in between you.

You let her pick the film and she chose Pitch Perfect. "Ooh I love this movie" you cheered and turned to see her smiling at you. "But you already knew that" she smirked and you couldn't help but feel butterflies. Embarrassed, you turned back to the tv and tried to focus on the movie.

Halfway through, you saw Natasha yawn and begin to get off the bed. "Where are you going?" she turned back to you, "couch?" she said like it was obvious. "Get back here, you shouldn't be sleeping on a couch" you once again patted the bed and she got under the covers and laid down.

You both tried to continue watching the movie while lying down but Natasha reluctantly fell asleep.

After you noticed she was asleep, you waited a few minutes before sneaking out of the room. You remembered passing Tony's lab once time, so you made your way there.

Once you entered the room your eyes immediately went to to the table in the middle. The ring was disassembled. You thanked god Tony told the truth and noted that maybe you could trust him.

You turned on the computer and read his notes. He had a theory that every time you heard or felt something that threatened to trigger your memories, the ring would release a frequency that would distract your brain and reset the brainwashing.

You gave him credit for figuring that out. Aside from that he found a tracker in the ring, which means hydra and Luke knew where you were this entire time and they have yet to come for you. But why?

You kept reading on and Tony managed to find out that every time the ring released the frequency, it would send an alert to hydra and Tony was attempting to track the signal.

If you learned this before you found out that your relationship with Luke was a lie, you probably would have been hurt at the fact that Luke hasn't come for you. But now you are a bit relieved because if you were just a pawn to them, you'd rather stay here with the Avengers They actually seemed to be genuinely nice.

After reading through all of Tony's notes you turned off the computer and walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water and sat down at the counter.

You thought about the times you felt the pain from the rings frequency. Especially the time with Natasha because you weren't talking about anything important regarding your memories.

Half an hour went by as you just sat on the stool, rerunning that moment through your head over and over again until something finally clicked. The reason just came into the light and the memory felt clear and your brain felt a little less fuzzy.

It wasn't necessarily what you were talking about, it was what you were feeling. How you felt and still feel safe when your with her. The warmth you felt being around her. The feeling that you were drawn to her for whatever reason.

So if that triggered the ring, it must mean that she could be a key to bringing you memories back. Is that the only reason it could have triggered it? You thought about the possibility that hydra would make sure that you don't catch feelings for someone else, in order to stay loyal to Luke. What better way to gain control over someone then to have them be in love with you. You felt disgusted at the thought and hoped that you could just be over-thinking this but you didn't shake the idea from your head.

"Hey, what are you doing out here?" you turned in your seat to fight Natasha standing there wide awake which meant she probably freaked out that you weren't in the room and probably assumed you left.

"Just wanted a glass of water and I didn't want to wake you. Sorry for making you worry" you grabbed the glass and stood up. "I wasn't worried" you gave her a knowing look. "Okay I was worried" she admitted. "Why?"

"Because it's my job to watch over you and I would get in trouble if I failed" she looked away from you. "Is that the only reason?" you pressed but she was still looking away from you.

You knew she was holding something back and just wanted her to admit it so you turned invisible to stir something up. Luckily Bruce hadn't given you the serum in a while so you had access to your powers.

"Y/n?" you didn't respond and she started to panic. "Damnit, this isn't funny. P-please" she muttered as she frantically looked around hoping you'd show yourself. She quickly turned her head to the elevator as she heard it ding, from you pressing it. She ran to it before the doors opened and tried to block your access from it but she didn't really know if it was working as you were still invisible.

"Y/n please don't leave me, not again" her voice broke as she stood in front of the elevator. "I'm not going anywhere" you say as you reveal yourself to be sitting back by the counter. Natasha visible sighed in relief and walked over to you and you could see she was blinking away her tears.

"No other reason huh?" you handed her your cup and she took a sip of the water. "I don't want to lose you again, I can't. I know you don't remember our time together but I do and I can't bare to lose you again, so please don't leave me again" she was looking at the floor again.

"Okay" you said softly and she lifted her head to look at you. "What?" she asked and you thought she couldn't hear you so you repeated yourself, "I said ok-" she cut you off. "I know what you said but are you seeing serious. You'd stay just like that?" you nodded.

"Yeah, no offense but it's like you guys think I have no free will. All you really had to do was ask. I mean besides not being Luke, I liked being here. And now that I know he and hydra don't really give a damn about me I really don't care if I never see them again." you ramble.

"Did you like hydra before?" you shook your head. "It's all I knew I guess. Also I had this weird feeling that I always had to do what Luke wanted and make him happy. But since I've been away from him, especially now I feel free."

"Do you think it was because of the ring? And that we got rid of it?" you shrugged, "Possibly" you gave it some thought. "Any other reason?" she asked.

"Your the one that knows me so well Romanoff, shouldn't you have all the answers?" you said playfully and she smiled which you returned. You admired her in this moment, taking in her warmth and beauty.

She pursed her lips, "I give up, you gonna tell me?" she question and you smirked. "No, I don't think I will"

She narrowed her eyes at you in a playful way, "You are going to tell me eventually" she boasted. 

"Confidence, I like it. The two of you walked back to your room. You both got into your bed and fell asleep.

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