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November 6, 2016. 8:57 pm.

"Wait what?" Jungkook looked at Hitman Bang in confusion as he sat at the head of the conference table. 

"You heard me correctly Jungkook. I decided to add a girl group to the company." Bang leaned back into his chair as he eyed the boys he considered as his sons.

 BTS looked at each other in silence as they digested the big news Bang dropped on them. A girl group. A girl group is joining the company. Bang created a girl group. They didn't really know how to act or respond, it's not like they thought it was just gonna be them forever. But they weren't expecting Bang to tell them that the second group created was gonna be a girl group. Not that anything was wrong with that...

"Sorry that we're not reacting in the best way Pd-nim..." Namjoon spoke up before trailing still not knowing what to say.

 "I understand guys, trust me I do. You guys have been the only group in our company for the past four-almost five years. And I'm proud of how far you guys have come, but now...I think it's time to try and extend the family don't you think? We can finally let the whole world know how amazing Bighit is and how strong we've become." Bang explained to the boys trying to get them to understand.

 It was a big decision for him to even create another group, even though it's been four going on five years of creating BTS he still thought it was to early. But after seeing the girls and how hard they've been working to debut these past couple months while the boys were working on their albums, he knew that they were more than ready to debut this month. 

"To be honest I'm quite excited to meet them," Jimin said with a soft smile as he looked around at his brothers. Hobi nodded his head in agreement. "Like Pd-nim said they've been working really hard this past year to debut like us. We should be happy that we're branching out our family within the company."

With that the boys sighed realizing how right Jimin was, even though it was unexpected news Sunday night after rehearsals it was great to hear. "Are we going to meet them before they debut?" Jin asked this time as heads turned to look at their boss. 

"Of course!" Bang exclaimed happy that the boys are excited to meet them. "They debut in four days, so maybe you guys can meet them Tuesday. They were actually anxious to meet you guys as well." Bang laughed with them joining as well. 

"Pd-nim are they all from Seoul?" Yoongi fired another question to the older man. Bang laughed again and fixed his glasses before giving them a little smirk. "Actually no they're all from different areas." Jimin's and Tae's eyes lit up in curiosity wanting to know if the girls where from their hometowns. 

"Can you tell us? Please?" Tae spoke up for the first time in a while, Bang shook his head laughing at the boys who still act like children when they're excited for something. 

"Why here it from me when you guys can ask them questions on Tuesday." Complaints was heard around the conference table from the boys not liking how they had to wait till Tuesday to get an answer.

 "Alright, alright guys that was all I had to tell you guys. You can go home and rest I know how tired you guys are from rehearsals." Bang dismissed them with a wave, the boys nodded their heads and stood up, they gave Bang a half bow before they all left the room. 

"Aisshhh now I'm really curious about the girl group," Hobi admitted once they walked out of the conference room. The boys all hummed in agreement as they walked down the hall. 

"Do you think they would fall for one of us?" Jungkook smirked, Jin made movement to slap him but Namjoon beat him as he reached over and slapped the youngest upside his head.

"It's to early for you to be thinking about dating one of them." Namjoon told the bunny face boy.

 "Besides we wouldn't even be able to become public with them." Yoongi added knowing how crazy dispatch would act once realizing that a girl group was gonna be in Bighit. "

Yeah and don't get us started with our fans. Even if this new girl group is apart of our company, you think our fans would allow us to date one of them? They'll go ballistic!" Hobi lifted his arms up in exaggeration. 

"Oh yeah, Imma feel really bad for the girls once they start off. Let's just hope that their debut blast off easily." Namjoon spoke.


"Kiko come herreeeee!" Ramia whined from their bedroom. 

"Which one of you touched my toothbrush!" Aera shouted from the bathroom.

"It wasn't me Noona!" Hana yelled from the living room. 

"Who was the last one to wash the dishes?" Jia asked from the kitchen as she set her empty bowl that was once filled with cereal in the sink. 

"I think it was Somin!" Kiko told her as she walked past the kitchen and towards hers and Ramia's room. "I'm coming wifey!" She entered the room as a faint 'yay' was heard before the door closed. 

"Mo I wathed he ishes yast night!" Aera came out the bathroom with her toothbrush halfway out her mouth, her sentence wasn't heard clearly because of the foam of toothpaste. 

"I don't care who was last! One of y'all come in here to wash these little bit of dishes!" Jia commanded before heading to her room calling it a night. 

This was like any other Sunday night, the girls were getting ready for practice tomorrow but as you can see it's a bit difficult when the girls are always chaotic. They had four days till they debut and they couldn't contain their excitement as the days got closer. The girls have been working their butts off for the past year, almost all of 2016 and now their hard work is gonna finally pay off as they get a step closer to being introduced to the world. 

"I'll wash them," Somin announced and was about to walk in the kitchen when a slightly taller body stopped her. 

"It's okay Noona I got the dishes," The youngest member in the group Hana grinned at the older girl. Somin smiled and shook her head.

"How about we wash them together? We know Jia Noona lying when she said that there was 'little bit' of dishes," The two girls giggled as they went into the kitchen and washed the dishes.

 "Alright I'm done with the bathroom," Aera said walking out, ruffling her semi wet hair. 

Hana and Somin finished the dishes a second later, they walked out the kitchen and met up with Aera. 

"Finished the dishes?" Aera asked the obvious and Hana nodded her head with a smile. 

"Welp I'm gonna head to bed since we have practice tomorrow," She waved and walked towards her and Jia's room.

 Somin yawned and Hana pointed to their room that they shared and Somin nodded her head as the both of them walked in their room and called it a night.

Author's Note: 
I know, I know I shouldn't be posting the prologue if it's a pending book, but I couldn't help myself so screw it. Anyways I have visuals for the girls, but I sadly wouldn't be putting them up till I officially begin the book. Butttt luckily for you guys I'm hoping to officially start the book on either May 28 or May 29. 

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