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"Ah, fuck!" Ramia cried out, arching her back off the bed and grabbing a handful of Jungkook's hair.

Jungkook smirked against her as he delved his tongue and her hot heat, dragging out the built up pleasure that's ready to be released.

"Fuck! Jungkook, I'm gonna cum!" Jungkook gripped her thighs with his arms and placed his hand against her stomach to stop her from pulling away.

Ramia doesn't know how she ended up in this situation, they were literally in the living room with their members, drinking and playing the stupid game. Next thing she knows the group decided to go for a late night adventure (stupid on their part as they're two idol groups) while her and Jungkook decided to stay here and waited for them to come back.

Big mistake.

Ramia let out a gasp as her orgasm rushed out of her like a sudden wave, her legs began to shake as she gripped Jungkook's arm. Her eyes looked up at the ceiling as all she saw was stars flooding her vision as the powerful orgasm rushed through her entire body. Jungkook, gave her overstimulated bud kitty licks as Ramia came down from her high.

Ramia tiredly tapped Jungkook's arm as she came back from the heavenly pleasure. Jungkook pecked her pussy before making his back up to her body, he had a smirk on his face, his lips still wet from her juices.

"I hope you're not tired already, we just started." Jungkook told her as he reached over and grabbed a condom from his drawer. Ramia rolled her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him down to kiss him.

She pulled away with his bottom lip gently between her teeth, Jungkook couldn't lie and say that it didn't make him harder if possible. "I have more stamina than you bunny boy."

Jungkook scoffed and quickly placed the condom on his swollen member and stroke himself before hovering over her. "Yeah, you say that now but let's see if you're actually capable of doing it two more times before our group gets back."

Ramia rolled her eyes again and spread her legs wider to give him more room to push himself in. "You're on."

Jungkook smirked and placed himself on her entrance, he looked back at her. "Did you hear what I said, Ramia?"

Ramia looked at the boy in confusion. "What?"







Ramia jumped out of her thoughts and looked at Kiko who was staring at her in concern along with the rest of the girls.

"Are you okay? Why aren't you paying attention?"

Ramia shook her head with an embarrassed expression and pulled at her cardigan. "Sorry, I guess I started daydreaming...again."

Jia looked at her and sighed, "I guess we can take a break we've been going at this for the past four hours." The girls sighed in relief and place their song sheets down, and stood up to stretch or walk away to find something to eat/use the bathroom. It's been a week after their debut, the girls have been preparing for their debut stage on mnet. It's been kind of stressful as they had five more days, and has to clean up Everlasting Love and the choreography.

They haven't seen or talked to Bangtan since their debut, Ramia wasn't complaining she's been thinking about the night she decided to screw herself over and sleep with Jungkook.

No one really knows except Kiko- who she accidently told as it was eating herself alive. Kiko being the great friend that she was didn't freak out and decided to keep her secret until she was ready to tell the girls- if she tells the girls at that. Then there's the fact that Jungkook could've told the entire group of Bangtan that they slept together when both groups were out. So there's that.

Kiko pulled her to their room, quickly telling the group that they're gonna grab the other sheet music in their folder.

"Are you still thinking about the situation about you and Jungkook Oppa?" Kiko asked as soon as the door shut.

Ramia groaned and plopped down on her bed. "Yes! It's like engraved in my head. You'd think I would forget since I was shit drunk that night, but nooooo it's like on replay. In. Here." She jammed her finger repeatedly against her temple.

Kiko sighed and crossed her arms, she truly felt bad for her best friend. She couldn't imagine sleeping with any of the Bangtan boys, but seeing Ramia going crazy and stressed about the situation is concerning and it could affect her mindset which could reflect onto the group.

"I think you should honestly talk to Jungkook Oppa about the situation, it's clearly eating you up inside and we need to be completely focus on our showcase next week." Kiko advised her, taking a steps forward to squat in front of her as Ramia slowly sat back up with a pout on her face. "It'll be better if you do, besides they're our Sunbaenims and we're gonna see them half of the time with shows, collabs, and other things. So you might as well put your big girl panties on and talk with him. Okay?"

Ramia pouted even more as she knew that Kiko was right, she whined when Kiko gave her a stern look. "Fineeeeee." She dragged out and crossed her arms.

"I'll see if he isn't busy, because they should be preparing for Asia Awards," Ramia admitted defeat, she couldn't put this off and she knew that. It's better to talk about it now, seeing as the two are gonna work together sometime in the future, they are literally in the same company.

"Great! Text him now so that you won't forget to do it later." Kiko stood back up and crossed her arms, Ramia looked up at her like she was crazy but Kiko wasn't having it. "Now." Ramia sighed and took out her phone and searched for Jungkook's contact.

Ramia Allens
Hey, Jungkook it's Ramia
if you're not busy can we talk...

She showed Kiko the phone and waited for her to approve, Kiko hummed while nodding her head. "Okay, now let's get some food so that we can focus."

Kiko walked out of the room, Ramia watched before looking down at her phone again to scan over the stupid text she sent. 

She set her phone down and slap both of her cheeks gently. "Kiko's right, I need to stay focus and forget about the situation with Jungkook." She spoke to herself, "You are an idol now, and rookie at that so...now more thinking of Jungkook giving you the..." She sighed as she looked down at her lap. "best head you've ever had...and him beating my pussy..." She crossed her legs and scooted further up against the bed. "And don't forget the- God mind blowing-"

A buzz from her phone cut her off, which was a hella good thing as she already broke the mini pep talk to ignore the situation for now. Her eyes widen when she realized it was from Jungkook, her eyes scanned the message which made her heart dropped to her stomach. 

Jeon Jungkook
I've been waiting for you to bring it up ;)
I'll swing by tonight around 10:00 pm. wait up for me

"Oh fuck me." 

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