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November 8, 2016. 3:49 pm.

It was currently in the afternoon, the girls finished their showers- yes they told the boys that they wanted to head back to their dorm to shower before proceeding over to the boys' apartment.

They also thought it was to early to be drinking so they chose a later time to go over to the boys' place.

"Okay I'm ready," Ramia called out to the girls as she exited hers and Kiko's shared room, she looked over her simple outfit once more before nodding in approval.

"I see we're wearing the same thing." Ramia turned her head to see Somin wearing grey sweatpants and top just like her, the only difference is that Somin added a white oversized shirt with a blue cap.

Ramia giggled and nodded her head. "Great minds think alike," Somin leaned forward and winked as the two giggle again.

"Guys come on it's almost four o'clock! We've been gone for four hours the boys are gonna think we've ditched their offer of food!" Ramia's voice was heard throughout the entire dorm, Hana exited her shared room with Somin, Ramia cooed as she walked towards the youngest in the group. "Awww look at our maknae, you're too cute." Ramia hugged her.

Hana blushed out of slight embarrassment, "Yah! Noona you're always saying things to embarrass me."

Somin chuckled as she hugged the other side of Hana. "But she's right, you're just to damn cute."

"I know you guys aren't flirting with our maknae when it's my job," Aera made herself known along with Jia as they exited their room.

"You were taking to long, besides Hana's is just to adorable to not compliment." Ramia said pecking Hana's cheek leaving the younger girl in a blushing mess as she approached Kiko's side and clung to her arm. "It took you long enough wifey, I thought you might've hurt yourself while getting dressed."

Kiko gave the brown skin girl a sarcastic smile before flicking her head causing her to wince out of pain. "You're very funny aren't ya?"

"I like to think I'm hilarious," Ramia shot back as Kiko stuck out her tongue childishly with her mimicking.

"Alright, alright enough you two." Jia told them before it got out of hand. "Let's leave, it already hit four o'clock the boys are defiantly gonna think we've purposely ditched them."

The five girls nodded their heads in agreement, and exited their dorm.

"Oh, wait!" Aera said as she pulled out her phone. "We should tell manager Dae-hyun we left so he wouldn't be worried."

Jia hummed in agreement as she locked the door. "Thanks for remembering Aera. Okay, everyone has everything right? So we can officially leave?"

"Yes mother," They all said in unison, Jia rolled her eyes but gave them a smile.

"Now, let's go."


November 8, 2016. 4:36 pm.

The girls all stood in front of the door of bangtan's apartment debating on who should knock first.

"You should, knock first Noona." Hana shoved Ramia first who looked at her with a flabbergasted expression.

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