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November 19, 2016. 9:55 pm.

Ramia lifted her head up and looked over to see if Kiko was fast asleep. Confirming it, she slowly crept out of her bed, making sure there was no sound. Jungkook should be here in five minutes, he texted her to be at the door exactly at 10:00 as they only had an hour to spare before heading back to his dorm. The girls were all asleep, they had to go into the studio tomorrow to record the chorus and bridge of Everlasting Love.

Ramia slowly opened the bedroom door and slid out before shuffling over to the front door of their dorm. Ramia checked her phone to see that she'd gotten a text from the maknae boy.

Jeon Jungkook
I'm in front of your door
Open up

Ramia opened the door, revealing Jungkook in all black his face half covered with a black mask and him wearing a black baseball cap. Even with the mask on she could tell he was smirking being it.

"Do you have a mask?" Jungkook asked, Ramia nodded her head and took the mask strings off her wrist and placed it on her face. "Alright, let's head to the top."

Ramia nodded her head again and reached for her coat before following Jungkook out of the dorm, she made sure to bring her key and quietly closed the door before looking it.

As soon as they began walking Jungkook slid his hand into hers causing her to snap her head up at him with a questioning look.

"Does the boys knows where you are?" Ramia asked as Jungkook directed them to the elevator, until Ramia pulled him away. He looked at her to see her shaking her head and pointing towards the stairway.

Jungkook 'ahed' quietly and the two headed that to the stairway door instead.

"Only, Yoongi hyung knows where I am," Jungkook broke the silence as the two walked up the stairs that lead to the rooftop to the apartments.

Ramia hummed in surprise, "I thought you would've told Taehyung-ie, since you're besties."

Jungkook let out a light laugh as he swung their arms back and forth, "I wanted to, but I couldn't bring it up to him..." Jungkook decided against telling her that Taehyung and him had a tiny discussion about their attraction towards her. "Besides, Yoongi hyung has been in this kind of situation."

Ramia looked at him, "Really?"

Jungkook looked down at her before looking back at the stairs to see how many steps they had left. "Well, not with an idol. I meant...sleeping around with girls outside our race..."

This time it was Ramia's turn to 'ah' and let go of his hand, before opening the door to the rooftop and propped the door open with a rock she always used when coming up there.

"Wow~ It's beautiful up here," Jungkook looked in awe as he watched the night sky blooming with stars.

Ramia gave a him a small smile and nodded her head in agreement as she pulls down her mask to her chin. "I know, I started coming here to clear my head about three months after we moved in." She kneeled down to sit criss-cross on the floor, Jungkook followed her action.

"Clear your head about what- If you don't mind me asking." Jungkook added, Ramia sighed as she played with her hands that was settled on top of her lap.

" I had to leave my parents to pursue my dreams, with no idea if I'd get accepted because of my skin color." Ramia admitted softly as she slowly raised her head to lock eyes with Jungkook's. "Everything happened so fast after I auditioned and got accepted. Next thing I knew I was hugging my parents goodbye and heading to Bighit to meet five other girls I've never seen in my life. I thought they would've hated me, I was scared that I would've got...bullied behind closed doors. It was all so new to me..." Ramia gave a small smile, tears filled her eyes as she thought about the memory of her and Kiko.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2022 ⏰

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