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"What?" Dae-hyun asked with his brows furrowed. The girls all nervously laughed as they pulled Ramia back.

"What MiMi meant was that we don't have their numbers to contact them," Jia smiled at their manager, Ramia nodded her head.

"Yes, that is exactly what I meant. We don't have their numbers," Ramia said. "Besides, I'm pretty sure they're exhausted from their fanmeeting from yesterday."

Dae-hyun shook his head. "Nonsense, I already asked their manager if they were up to celebrating with us yesterday. He said they couldn't wait."

The girls all shared glances with each other as they knew that Bangtan really did want to talk about what happen two days ago. They literally had to take an early flight to get to Japan for their fanmeeting in Fukuoka and back so they knew that they were jetlagged.

"Okay, well Manager-nim could you make reservations for a restuarant while we head back to the dorm to get ready?" Dae-hyun nodded his head and pats Aera's head causing her to whine and push his hand away causing the girls to laugh.

"Alright let's go."


November 10, 2016. 5:55 pm.

"Reservations for Nam Dae-hyun," Dae-hyun smiled at the hostess at the counter while the girls stood behind him looking at the nice restaurant called La Yeon.

The hostess smiled warmly at him after checking the computer. "Okay, we have your tables being finished off right now, and we've closed the restaurant early so that it can be secluded for you."

Dae-hyun gave the woman another smile as he nodded his head. "Thank you."

"No problem. Give me a moment to see if everything's settled, then I will have you guys seated." Dae-hyun nodded as the woman gave a slight bow before heading over to check with the staff.

As soon as the woman left Hana quickly stepped up along with the girls. "Manager-nim this place is expensive!" She whispered yelled with the group vigorously nodding their heads in agreement.

Dae-hyun chuckled. "It's fine girls, everything is already paid for with the help of Bangtan's manager. We just want you guys to enjoy tonight because this celebration is for you guys." The six girls smiled at him and nodded their heads.

The hostess came back moments later and guided them to the back where they would settled for the night.

"Hello, my name is Jung-hoon and I will be your waiter for the evening. A young man came up to the table, he looked around Jia's age, probably a year or two older than her. "Would you like to start off with some drinks until the rest come, or would you like me to come back later?" Their waiter asked with his notepad in his hand, ready to write down their order.

The girls were seating with a sit empty next or in front of them, Dae-hyun told them that the sits were for Bangtan when they arrived while he and the boys' manager would sit at the other table on the other side of the restaurant to give both groups some privacy to enjoy themselves.

Ramia skimmed over the menu and went straight to the drinks and ooed once she saw wine. "Can we have two bottles of your premium bokbunja wine?" She looked up from the menu to see the young waiter staring at her in awe from how fluent she sounded, Ramia awkwardly laughed when she caught him staring.

"Y-yes! I mean, of course ma'am." Jung-hoon blushed out of embarrasment. "Anything else?" The girls shook their heads in slight amusement towards the awed boy. "Okay, I will be back with two bottles of bokbunja." He bowed slightly and swiftly walked away.

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