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November 10, 2016. 7:09 am.

"Aisshh I'm so nervous right now!" Soobin nervously rubbed her hands together, the rest of the girls couldn't help but feel the same way.

Today was their debut day. They're finally debuting.

They watched as the staff rushes everyone making the finishing preparations to start their filming. The group had to wake up at the crack of dawn to drive to the Bighit building to do hair and makeup, especially Ramia who had her own called in stylist to do her hair.

They're officially performing their debut song: Everlasting Love. It's safe to say the girls had made sure to engrave and memorize everything last night before leaving the studio. Especially since things went down between Bangtan and Unique the day the girls visited Bangtan's apartment.

"Can I have the maknae line on Stations 4, 5, 6 and Noona line on 1,2,3 please!" The leader of the makeup crew announced.

"Ne!" The girls shouted before speed walking to the stations. Ramia quickly plopped herself down in front of her personal stylist, Angela or Angie for short.

"Hello gorgeous! Nervous?" Angela greeted as she placed her hands gently upon Ramia's shoulders. Ramia exhaled shakenly and nodded her head, Angela giggled as she reached for her curly iron. "Don't be. You girls worked very hard to finally be here today. So I know you girls are gonna do great today!"

"Thanks Angie!" Ramia smiled, her nerves simmering down from the mini pep talk Angie gave her.

Ramia couldn't help but look through the mirror to see what her other members were doing to their hair or makeup. They've yet to see what outfits they're wearing to perform in, and it's killing Ramia on the inside as she was eager to see what they were.

She smiled gently as she looked at Jia and Soobin who were across from her, getting their hair done and giggling at how pretty they look. Along with Hana and Aera who sat on opposite sides of her, as they talk to their stylist.

It was only an hour and a half later when the girls were out of the chair and rushed to go change into their outfits, not giving them a chance to check themselves in the mirror.

"Hurry up and change into your outfits. We need to meet Bang PD-nim at the building before it hits 10:00." Dae-hyun, their manager ordered the girls in a semi rush.


"Wow~ you girls look very beautiful," Bang PD-nim smiled at the six girls as they entered the building and walked towards him.

Blushing from the compliment, they bowed a ninety-degree angle. "Gamsahabnida."

The man chuckled and clapped his hands. "Okay, well I don't want to hold you guys as it is your debut day. So I'm gonna tell you what we're doing today." The girls nodded their heads and straightened their postures to seem taller. "Firstly, we're gonna have you guys in a room. Jia you'll introduce the group for the first time on camera, I'll then be speaking about the surprising news of us debuting a girl group. Then we'll have you guys on the stage to perform Everlasting Love. After that we'll have a mini interview to ask some questions along with mini games." The girls smiled and reached out to hold each others' hands, this was it. Their dreams are happening today.

"Remember, even though this is your debut day have fun. But also keep in mind that today will either build us or break us." Ramia looked down when Bang's eyes drifted off to her for a second, but a warming smile was still held onto his face.

"We won't let you down PD-nim!" They exclaimed and bowed their heads.

"I know you girls won't." Bang chuckled. "Now, follow me and let's begin your day." He nodded to the production crew who immediately scrambled to fix their cameras and turn it on to follow the girls around.

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