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November 8, 2016. 11:30 am

"Alright let's take a 30 minute break before we start again," Their choreographer told them and walked out the room.

As soon as the door closed all the girls dropped like dead bodies.

"Ughhh you'll think I'd be use to this. We've been doing this for years now," Ramia panted as Kiko tiredly handed her a water bottle, she immediately opened it and chugged it down.

"Noona this is just leading us to our reward of being idols." Hana said once she caught her breath, Aera and Somin raised their hands and pointed saying 'Amen' earning laughs from the rest of the girls.

It was silent for a few minutes, the only sound in the dance room was their breathing as the tried to relax before their choreographer came back.

Ramia groaned and rolled onto her stomach as she looked at Kiko with puppy eyes. "Wifeyyyy I gotta pee~"

Kiko lifted her head to look at the brown skinned girl and rolled her eyes. "Okay? Go to the bathroom."

"Come with me~" Ramia pouted, the rest of the members giggled knowing that Kiko really had no choice but to go with the second youngest in the group.

Kiko threw her head back onto the floor with a groan before sighing and sitting up. She squinted her eyes at the girl she's known the longest and huffed before reluctantly standing up. "Let's go then."

Ramia grinned, she hopped up and grabbed Kiko's wrist dragging her along as she really had to pee. "We'll be back before Sam does!" Ramia said like their were gonna be gone for more than twenty minutes.

"You better, you know how irritated that man gets whenever you do something Mi-Mi!" Jia called out to the curly haired female before the door shut.

It went quiet again for two minutes, the girls had their eyes closed when they heard the door open and closed again.

"You guys are back already? That was fas-" Aera cut herself when she saw who actually was the ones in the room. "No fucking way." She cursed.

"Aera watch your- Oh my damn," Jia's mouth dropped while Somin and Hana sat up to see what they were cursing about.

The four girls quickly scrambled to get up, causing the boys in front of them to laugh finding it cute.

"H-hello Pd-nim, Bangtan," The four said in unison before bowing in a ninety degree angle. The Bangtan boys followed their motion and bowed in a forty-five angle, they had to admit that the girls in front of them were highly attractive.

"Hey girls, glad we caught you guys on your break," Bang smiled ignoring the fact that they cursed in the presence of him. He scanned the room as his smiled faltered for a second, acknowledging the two missing bodies. "Where's Kiko and Ramia?"

"They went to the bathroom. They should be back soon." Somin informed the man about the girls absence, Bang nodded his head and looked between the boys and girls.

"Girls, I assume you already know who the boys are but I would still like them to introduce themselves and vice versa." Bang told them, the girls who were avoiding eye contact from the Bangtan boys looked at Bang and slowly nodded their heads.

The boys looked at the girls and gave them a smile, Namjoon stood up straight as he gave the boys cue to introduce. "Dul, set Bang-"

"-tan sonyeondanibnida." The boys finished in unison.

"I'm Namjoon," Namjoon said and he couldn't help but notice how cute Jia was. Jia caught him staring and shyly gave him a smile causing the dimple face boy to smirk.

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